I’ll always wonder if he killed himself because of me. – Love

* * *

Zac:Damn, L… I was not expecting that.

Love:Told you I was fucked-up.

Zac: Find me one fucking person who isn’t.

Zac: You don’t have to answer me, but can I ask who you’re talking about?

Love:I’d prefer if you didn’t.

Zac:Well, whoever it is, I’m sorry. I really am.

Love:Don’t be. You ready for your confession next week?

Zac:Was born ready.


I don’t fully trust my own best friend. We both have the same dream, and I can’t help seeing him as competition.

– Zac

* * *

Love:Just saw your confession. Are we talking about the same best friend who slept with your ex?

Zac:That would be the one.

Love:And you’re still friends with him becauseee?

Zac:He’s a good person. Just deep, deep, deep down.

Love:Hate to break it to you, but no one’s that deep.

Zac: So, you’re saying you’ve never slept with someone you shouldn’t have before?

Love:Fine, point taken.

Zac: Wait, really?Who’d you sleep with?

Love: I’m not telling you.

Zac:How about writing it?

Zac:Say in tomorrow’s confession perhaps?

Love:I’ll think about it.

* * *

I lost my virginity to my sister’s boyfriend.

- Love