Two hours and fifty-eight minutes.


Defeated, I shamble down the street, cursing my stupid small town for neglecting to host a cab company. Hopefully, I don’t get kidnapped. All lights are off, except for Theo’s house, and apart from the faint music emanating from the party, there isn’t a sound to be heard. Worry grips me when I spot a truck parked down the street.

Someone’s inside.

Just sitting in the dark.


At one in the morning.


My pulse jolts, but I don’t halt my pace, approaching the car with quick, hurried strides. The truck sits across the street from me, and the closer I get, the more apparent it becomes that the stranger is a male.

He’s also on his phone, the pale blue light illuminating half his face. A heartbeat later, I reach the vehicle’s level and the guy’s head lifts up. We make eye contact at the same time, and my shoulders release all tension.

Is that Xavier?

His chiseled features light up in recognition, and he frowns, battling a confusion I reciprocate. I can tell he’s wondering what the hell I’m doing out at night, and I could ask him the same question. Why is he not inside enjoying the party?

Or… enjoying Lacey?

I know the guys were looking for him earlier.

Is that where he’s been all night?

Holed up in his car?

Reminding myself to mind my own business, I carry on down the street. Then I hear his car start. I turn to check and see him speed down the street. He’s probably going home. I keep walking, squeezing my phone for reassurance as if I expect to get jumped at any moment.

A honk pierces through the night, and I yelp, releasing hold of my phone and dropping it facedown on the sidewalk. I’m about to pick it up when a car slows down next to me.

Don’t let it be some creep.

Don’t let it be some creep.

Xavier just left, which means there’d be no witnesses.

“Are you trying to get killed?” a deep voice startles me.

I flick my head to see Xavier staring at me through his rolled-down window. I thought he left? I scan the vicinity over my shoulder and realize he probably just drove further down the street to turn his car around since he was on the wrong side of the road.

I don’t reply right away, picking up my phone and wincing at the cracked screen.

“Want to tell me what the hell you’re doing walking alone in the middle of the night?” he asks.

“Dia’s in no shape to drive me, and I have no other way to get home, so… walking it is.” With that, I resume down the sidewalk. I expect Xavier to call it a night and take off, but he doesn’t, driving extra slow next to me.

“How far do you live?” he tries again.

“Like twenty-fives minutes away,” I tell him.

Technically, it’s not a lie.

“By car or by foot?” He sees right through my game.