I know, I know. This one was pretty tame. But not everyone’s had tons of crazy things happen to them. My life, for one, is very boring. Plus, I can’t tell you too much or you’ll end up figuring out who I am.

Let’s even things out.

Next time, you tell me a boring story.

- Love

P. S. : I was thinking, why don’t we make a pact? Neither of us can EVER try to find out who we’re talking to. And we can’t tell anyone about the letters.

P. S. 2 : With that said, I’d like to know I’m not talking to a 13-year-old boy. How old are you?

* * *

Dear Love,

Nice name. A bit cheesy, but I can roll with it. And shit, you’re right. I hadn’t even thought of that. I’m a senior at Easton. What about you?

You’re not just pretending to be older when you’re really the one who’s twelve, are you?

About what you said, you’re wrong. Your life isn’t boring. You’re just not giving me the good stuff. (I’m talking the dark, twisted shit.) And I can’t even blame you. I’ve barely scratched the surface myself. It’s about time I give you a real confession, don’t you think?

My real confession: I just found out my best friend fucked my ex-girlfriend. And the worst part? I don’t care. I know, as a matter of principle, I should be pissed or want to beat the shit out of him, but I haven’t even bothered telling him that I know.

I’m not perfect either and he already has a lot going on (he’s always had his fair share of demons). If you knew his backstory, you’d probably want to give him a pass, too.

I’m not sure I’ll ever tell him because I value our friendship a lot more than I ever valued any moment spent with my ex.

That real enough for you, L?

Just so you know, I will be expecting a confession that’s on the same level of fucked-up, thanks.

- Zac

P. S. : Yes to the anonymity pact. Again, I would’ve never tried to figure out who you are, but if it helps you sleep at night, you have yourself a deal.

* * *

Dear Love,

Where’d you go?

Did my last confession scare you away?

Or is it that I saw right through your lies and you really are a thirteen-year-old imposter? I sincerely hope the answer to both these questions is no.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t bummed out to find no reply from you today. Don’t go getting a big head, but I’ve kind of been looking forward to your letters lately. They’re like a nice little break from reality.

Write to you later?

- Zac

* * *

Dear Zac,

Can’t live without me, can you?

The school was closed on Wednesday, remember? For some holiday?