
In case you were wondering how my mother reacted to the caterpillar tattoo I’ve kept hidden for years…

The answer is not well.

I knew from the moment I squeezed into the black, spaghetti-strap dress Dia gave me for my birthday that I was tempting fate. My mom spent years in the dark about the memory stamped across her own daughter’s skin, and she didn’t hesitate to share her disapproval with me.

I jumped at the chance to remind her I’d basically given up my whole life to follow her and Ashley to LA.

Needless to say, it shut her right up.

I was lying in bed, drowning my sorrows in chocolate and ice cream when Xavier’s text popped on my phone screen. I’d been careful not to check his messages in fear of falling victim to my feelings and texting him back, but for some reason…

I granted this text one peek.

Unfortunately, one was enough.

Xavier: Look, I know you’re leaving tomorrow and you have no fucking reason to listen to me, but please, just come to the party at Finn’s house.

Then I’ll never text you again.

P.S: I still hate you.

I can’t pinpoint when or how Xav found out about LA, but it didn’t stop me from hopping in the shower, then texting Dia, who’s been harassing me to come to the party all day, a quick “Changed my mind, I’ll see you there.”

I still hate you.I played his words in my head until my heart begged me to stop. The hidden meaning isn’t lost on me.

I love him, too.

So much.

But Xav and I…

We’re a game I can never win.

No matter how many times I play.

Edging my way through the crowd of teachers, parents, and basketball players gathered in Finn’s backyard, I second-guess the hell out of my decision. Why did I show up again?

The reason comes to me in a flash.

Because Xavier asked you to.

And… because you secretly want to see him one last time, but you’re too damn stubborn to admit it.

“Vee!” Dia’s voice slashes through the ambient music, and I twist my head to see her cutting across the lawn in stiletto heels. Finn trails behind, his hand possessively wrapped around hers.

They look perfect.

Outrageously perfect.

Finn is sporting a navy-blue suit that probably cost more than the scholarship I lost, while Dia’s wearing her dark hair up in a curly, messy bun, wearing a tan dress that complements her sun-kissed skin. I’ve barely greeted her before she’s unlatching her hand from Finn’s and flinging her arms around my neck.

“I’m so glad you came,” she whispers, sadness bleeding through every word. I’m going to miss the shit out of her. How am I supposed to get through life without Diamond Mitchell?

“Me too, D.” I pat her back.

“Are you… all packed?” She pulls away, her almond eyes glimmering with a pain I’m in no way prepared for.