Finn cocks an eyebrow, shooting Theo a look that says “Is that even a question?” It’s not Finn’s first rodeo. The guy could sneak booze into rehab if he wanted to.

“If anyone asks, we’re not drinking champagne but sparkling apple juice, got it?” Finn smirks, drawing another hit and puffing out a thick cloud of smoke. I can tell Dia strongly disapproves of his substance abuse, but she doesn’t comment.

“I’m going to go call my dad real quick.” Dia smacks a small kiss on the corner of Finn’s mouth and exits the room.

Light bulbs go off in my head. I wait a few minutes so that I’m not too obvious.

“I need to take a leak.” I leap off the couch and chase after Dia—what? I know an opportunity when I see one. I wander around the third floor for a bit before finding her in Hank’s library.

She’s on the phone when I come in, arguing with someone.

She sounds emotional.


“You’re kidding, right?” Dia tries reasoning with her dad. “Tell me you’re kidding.”

Something is definitely wrong.

“No, Vee, listen to me. This isn’t going to fix anything.”

My breath hitches.


She’s not talking to her dad.

“I’m coming over, okay? I’ll be there as soon as I can. Don’t move.” Dia curses under her breath and ends the call.

I don’t waste a second. “What’s going on with Vee?”

Dia shrieks in surprise, spinning to face me.

“Jesus, Xavier. Ever heard of privacy?” Dia scolds.

“What’s going on with Vee?” I repeat without a fuck given.

“Wouldn’t you like to know, Zac?” Dia stresses.

My jaw goes slack.

“She told you?”

Stupid fucking question.

Of course she told her.

“What do you think?” Dia fumes.

I don’t even care at this point. I just need to know she’s okay.

“How is she?” I try.

“Like you care,” Dia scoffs, skirting around me, ready to leave.

I step into her way.

“I do! Dia, I care so fucking much I’m losing my mind… I have to know, I… Please.”