“I told everyone Zac is an employee at—”

“At the library?” Mr. Hall laughs. “Yes, we heard. Too bad we haven’t had a male employee working at the library in years.”


“Sorry to say this deal only applies to the real Zac.”

“And if I don’t tell you?” My voice trembles.

“Well, then, I think Duke deserves to know exactly what kind of person they’re letting into their institution, don’t you?”

I’m full-on crying now.

Choking on my sobs in the principal’s office.

“So, what’s it going to be? Choose wisely.” Mr. Hall rests his forearms on the desk, joining his hands together.

I don’t bother answering.


Because it’s already over.

No matter what he says next, I’m doomed.

“Tell you what, I’m going to give you the weekend to make up your mind. Come see us on Monday with your answer.”

I’m dead silent.

“Okay?” he urges.

I give a small nod and drag my feet to the exit. I know damn well I don’t need the weekend to know what my answer is.

I can’t do it. I’ll never tell on Zac.

On Xavier.


Feeling like Mr. Hall stapled my heart to his dull gray walls, I rush down the hall toward my locker. I need to get the hell out of here. It’s Friday. I doubt Mom will mind if I skip the afternoon. I’ll just tell her I wasn’t feeling well. It’s not like I can tell her I lost my scholarship—she doesn’t even know I got one yet. Guess it’s a good thing I didn’t tell her…

Since there’s nothing to tell anymore.

A text from Dia sits on my phone screen.

Dia:What happened?

I text her back as I push through the crowd.

Aveena: Nothing much.Just lost my scholarship.

Her reply comes through instantly.

Dia:WHAT??? Where are you?

Dia:I’ll meet you.

Aveena: I’m going home. Talk later?