
Xavier expels a long sigh. “He left in an ambulance.”

“What? Why?” I blurt.

“I might’ve given him a tiny concussion, but it was an accident, kind of.” Xavier bites back a grin, and my traitorous heart flutters.

I can tell he’s not sorry.

Not even a little.

And I like it more than I should.

“Aren’t you scared he’ll tell on you?”

“Nah.” Xav shrugs. “Bastard wouldn’t risk it. Ratting me out would only lead to what he did to you. There’s four of us and one of him.”

He’s right. I have enough witnesses to open a summer camp.

“Well… Thank you.” It comes out as a whisper.

He cringes. “Don’t ever thank me for that, Vee. Ever.”

I nod in understanding. He was just doing what any decent human being would.

“Why did you bring me here?” I ask with a wince, feeling like a sledgehammer is swinging at my skull.

“Didn’t have much of a choice.” Xavier pushes off the bed. “Dia was wasted, and I could hardly see myself dumping you on your mom’s doorstep half-dead.”

“Good call.” I rub my temples vigorously as if to diffuse my headache and pat the king bed beneath me. My hazy brain connects the dots at a turtle’s pace.

Wait, I woke up in his bed.

Does that mean we…

Xavier reads my mind, sticking his hand up. “I stayed on my side, Scout’s honor.”

I crack a small smile.

“I’m sure Brie will be thrilled about us sleeping together.”

Xavier’s eyes grow at my comment.

That came out wrong.

“I-I meant sleeping in the same bed. Not like… the other thing,” I squeak and snatch the glass of water on the nightstand. I chug the whole thing before I can embarrass myself further. “Anyway, I should get going.”

I fling my legs over the edge of the bed and rise to my feet.

“Take it easy,” Xav suggests. “You’re probably still—”

My knees give out instantly, my energy levels dropping to an all-time low. Strong arms knot around my waist before I collapse.

“Weak,” Xavier finishes, his breath fanning my cheek.

I swallow hard at the proximity.

“I’m okay. Just dizzy.” I squint my eyes to regain focus.