You didn’t deserve what she gave you.

You didn’t deserve her.

Neither did you,the devil on my shoulder reminds me.

This Logan guy flicks his gaze back to Vee, leaning way too close to her for my liking and whispering something in her ear. Right away, she glances in my direction and catches me staring.

Bastard snitched on me.

I should pretend I wasn’t looking, but I can’t fucking tear my eyes away. I stare hard, mentally concocting a handful of ways to murder the guy. Then I see him slip something in her drink.

He. Slips. Something. In. Her. Drink.

It was fast.

Two seconds at most.

Anyone who wasn’t paying close attention would’ve missed it. I beat up Axel for talking shit to her once. This guy has no idea he just signed his death warrant. Rage churns in my chest when Vee shoots me a bitter look that’s tainted with sadness and zeroes in on Logan again.

She didn’t see a thing. Logan offers her a predatory smile, topping it off with a comment Vee definitely doesn’t like because she responds by pushing him away and scampering off.

Fuck, she can’t drink that.

I have to stop her.

I’m dissolving into the crowd the next second, terrified to lose her in this clusterfuck of a neon party. Here I am, chasing after the girl I promised to leave behind.

The girl I promised to break.

And I did.

I broke her heart.

Little did I know I’d be breaking mine, too.


I thought I was having a terrible night.

Then I ran into the worst mistake I ever made and realized I hadn’t even begun to approach “terrible.”

The night was bad, yes.

But I only achieved terrible when Logan cornered me by the bathroom. He started by complimenting my body in a repulsive way before point-blank telling me to have sex with him again.

After he laid hands on my sister, hurt her, pulled her hair. The nerves on this guy.

I told him to fuck off and booked it. Partly because Xavier was glaring at Logan with a raw edge of… dare I say, jealousy in his eyes, and it made me a hair too happy.

Stretching my legs out on the lounge chair by the pool, I inhale deeply. Theo’s backyard is pitch-black, the only source of light the faint patio lamp. Could hardly see myself showing my face inside after that speech, but I don’t want to leave without Dia.

She’s been skipping every party since the confessions were exposed. She stuck by my side through and through, coming over to my house daily, and she deserves this time with Finn. She’d die before admitting it, but I know she misses her “regular” life, eating and hanging out with the jocks, meeting Finn at his locker between classes.

I texted her and promised that I was okay. Figured I’d just hide out here and give her a few more hours of normality before I burst her bubble. I wince at the weird, salty taste of my drink as I finish it.

Jesus, what’s the deal with my taste buds tonight?

The second I put my drink down, a nausea so brutal I almost puke rolls through my stomach, followed by a dizziness unlike anything I’ve ever known. I feel weak, disoriented, like my senses are deserting me one by one.