“Shut the fuck up, Brie,” Dia snaps. “Tell him, Vee.” My best friend elbows me, and I feel like an embarrassed kid at recess about to confess her crush.

I look Xavier dead in the eyes, ready to call him out on his bullshit, but no words come out.


Brie and Lacey laugh, enjoying every bit of my struggle.

“Something wrong, Aveena? Why don’t you go cry to Zac about it?” Brie mocks, her words piercing my flesh like a hot poker. I can’t help glancing at Xavier. Not because I expect him to defend me, but because he’s Zac. He’s just as responsible for the confession debacle as I am.

Yet… Here he is.

Laughing with them.

“Oh, I’m sorry, are we still pretending like you’re not Love?” Brie cackles.

Dia swoops in with a change of subject. “Get your ass off the couch, Emery. Vee needs to talk to you.”

“Careful, Dia,” Brie warns. “Girl betrayed her own sister. What’s to say she won’t steal your boyfriend, next? Oh, wait, that’s right. You don’t have the title. Must suck. Being good enough to fuck but not to date.”

Finn’s fists roll into firm balls. “Brie, you say one more fucking word—”

“Xavier. Talk. Now,” Dia presses.

Xav rolls his eyes.

“Jesus Christ, fine,” he huffs and pushes to his feet.


Dia shoots me an encouraging look, and I lead the way to an isolated corner by the bathroom. Xavier’s tall frame towers over me, his face an emotionless blank.

“What do you want?” he drawls.

Who is this guy?

Where did my pen pal go?

“Why?” I barely say.

“Why what?” He scans the area as if to find something worthy of his attention.

“Why did you sleep with me? If you knew you were going to go back to Brie.”

“I didn’t know I was going to get back with Brie. It just happened.” He tops it off with a shrug.

“And you couldn’t tell me that yourself?” I want to sound angry, but my pain melts through every word. “I had to find out on Instagram?”

“I did tell you, kind of. If you want to get technical about it, I wrote you. Left you another confession in the book. I was hoping you’d take the hint.” He cringes. “Clearly, I was wrong.”

He won’t even spare me a look as he talks, drilling his focus into everything in the room but me.

“Gee, forgive me for expecting a text.”

Xav sighs, driving a hand through his wet hair. “Look, it was fun, but I warned you I lost interest after sex. You can’t honestly tell me you didn’t see this coming.”

Flashes of his confession way back then pop into my brain. He’s right. He did tell me from the start.

“And what you said…” I croak. “About loving me? It was all bullshit? You didn’t mean it?”