She waves her hand motioning for me to continue down the marble path. I do, feeling like a new woman.

I’m supposed to meet Christian at the bar and he’ll take me to tonight’s fantasy.

I walk through the doors and step on to the dance floor. It’s packed like it always is and the people dance like they always do. The sidelines are full of sex like always, and I’m aware of the sexual energy that consumes the room.

What’s different is me. I feel like I can enjoy it and truly embrace the lure of a wild fantasy.

When I see my guy, I first of all decide I’m thinking of him as my guy and that spark that keeps flickering between us is something I won’t suppress tonight.

Tonight he’s wearing a mask. One of those Phantom of The Opera masks. His however is black with a gold trim around the edges.

He reaches for me when I get to him and we kiss. we kiss scandalous and wild. The kind of kiss that’s a prelude to wild, hot sex.

“Ready to go to the dark side with me, Angel?” he asks.

“I’m ready.”

The seductive smile he gives me sends a lance of fire through my body.

Taking my hand he leads me away. I expect us to go through the double doors that would lead to the sex dungeon but we don’t. We walk toward a wall that has no door. When we get to it I gasp when I realize it’s an illusion. There’s a curtain covering the entrance and when we go through it’s like being sucked into some fantasy world with an iridescent blue color that envelopes us.

“My gosh,” I rasp looking around. It’s not just blue there’s a mingle of purple too, but at intervals. “Where are we?”

“This is the hidden fantasy.,” he replies with a proud smile. “Each of us has something we claim in the club. This is mine. My specialty is a little similar to Salvatore’s. He does the lights and the outlandish attractions like the exhibitionist box. I do these types of things.The forbidden. Things you can’t touch. Like the angel dancing in my club.”

I smile at that.

“That’s really cool. This is beautiful.”

“Glad you like it. You only find this area by chance. Most often it’s people who are forbidden and off limits to each other who find their way here.”

“Really? All the time?”

“Mostly.” He looks me over and tugs on my hand for me to follow.

As we walk down the path the light brightens making us the same color.

The music is mellow here. It’s still the same as what’s playing outside but turned down so low you can just feel the beat, but not hear the words of the song.

There also isn’t that many people around. There are couples here having sex blending in the with lights and scenery.

I’m stunned further when the path we’re walking on narrows and there a stream of purple water flowing on either side with pink lilies floating on the surface of the water and coy carp fish sprinting beneath. It’s magical. That’s what this place is. Magic.

The essence of magic comes full bloom when we walk into a bedroom that looks like it was pulled from ancient Greece. There a pillars and a water fountain that flows back into the stream beyond us. The blue and purple lights phase into a subtle glow as we step in so while it blends in, it’s not part of the room. The room has its own wonder that’s truly breathtaking.

“This is one of the fantasy rooms,” he says.

“Looks like something from Greece.”

“It’s supposed to.”

“I like it.”

“Do you?”

I brush over his chest with my finger and he smirks. “You know I do.”

“Do you have your coin?” he asks.