“Capo,” Vincent answers. “You know you deserve it. When trouble comes to get us, you’re there. You’re the tech and muscle when you need to be. Do you accept?”

I look to him, still in shock and I look on at his brothers then to my own who gives me a nod. The same nod he used to give me when we were kids. that little talk we had at the club showed him where my heads at. I never imagined being part of the business in this way. But I want it. I do want it.

“Yes,” I answer and look to Vincent. “I accept.”

“Perfect, meeting adjoined.”

I wait for everyone to leave before going over to Vincent. He’s the last person left. Pa didn’t even look at me and I don’t suppose he’ll say anything to me either. That’s okay, I’m used to it and things will be different in regard to him too and the non-existent relationship we have.

Vincent gives me a smile and tilts his head to the side. “Still shocked?” he asks.

“Floored,” I reply. “Thank you. I never expected that, and not after all that happened.”

“Christian what happened could have happened to any of us. Now you know better for next time and you can be more aware of the shit that can happen. What I don’t like is that fact that you were pushed on to the streets and in a capacity that could have really got you killed. You think you defy your father, but I actually see you trying to please him,” he points out and for the first time I realize he’s right.

“I guess so. Some are hard to please.”

“You don’t have to do that anymore. I should have made you capo before. I meant what I said, you are there when I need you. Every time. You earned you’re stripes.”

“Thanks, means a lot.”

He dips his head and his face softens. “Let’s grab coffee. I have another long day.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine


This is the first time that I’ve gone to The Dark Odyssey and I wasn’t working. I officially go back in two nights time. But this is a date.

I can’t believe I’m going to a sex club on a date with Christian Giordano. The hottest guy there, the most sexiest man alive.

Listen to me. It’s like I’ve lost my mind and gone crazy. It’s a good kind of crazy that makes my heart happy and my head kind of spin with delight.

Just for tonight I’m going allow myself a break. A break from worries and stress. Vera will be taking care of Rosie while I’m away tonight and she’ll stay over when I go back to work, so I don’t have to worry about Rosie. I know she’s in good hands.

I feel better in my mind and body and tonight I’m just going to try to be Lilly St. James. The carefree version of myself who was daring and adventurous. That version of myself is going to have fun tonight and explore the fantasy of the club. And the man.

As I step through the doors in my black kimono covering my lacy black slip and mask to match I feel like my old self and it’s a good feeling.

Christian wanted me to collect the traditional silver coin at the desk.

The coin at the club represents choice. Everyone gets one when they arrive. The tradition is, when you choose who you’ll be spending the night with you take off your mask if you want to reveal yourself and you give them the silver coin as a way of giving them permission to have you.

I smile when I see who’s waiting for me at the desk. It’s Mimi. She’s standing there with another lady. She looked like she was giving her some instructions before I came in.

“Look at you,” she beams walking around the side of the desk to give me a hug. “You look amazing.”

“Thank you,” I say.

She holds up a little black pouch and chuckles. “This is yours. Christian said you’d be wearing black tonight so I thought I’d make your pouch match.”

“I love it,” I answer taking it from her.

“Welcome to The Dark Odyssey. We hope you enjoy our masquerade parties. Our aim is to connect you with your wildest fantasies to thrill and excite you all at once in a place where you can just be you,” she says reciting the club’s motto. It’s above me now as we speak written in gold letters on a glossy black plaque. She smiles wider and continues. “When the masks go on and the lights go out, you decide what happens next. Have fun with your guy Lilly.”

I hug her again and as I do she really does feel like a friend.

“Thanks for everything Mimi,” I say when we pull apart.