I’ve never felt that spark with anyone before.

How ironic that it’s him.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I took the last two days off to spend time getting Lilly and Rosie settled in.

It was a different experience for me. Knowing her story enraged me and curiosity compelled me dig around and see who this husband of hers was. She didn’t give me a name but I found it.

Miguel Diaz. That was him. The name of her husband. He was killed in a police shoot last year. I dug around a little and saw that guy was one nasty motherfucker. I don’t know how he got a woman like Lilly. She would have been twenty two when they got married. It all fits together now like a puzzle.

That four year absence makes sense. Now that I know where she was. When she said she went through hell, she really did.

She looks better today but a bit shaky. Doc told me that those bastards must have had to punch her hard and several times to mess her up the way they did. she was lucky none of her facial bones got broken. Hearing that made me want to end the fuckers all over again.

I didn’t want to leave her today but with the heist planned for Friday, it’s time to get back on track.

Two weeks have flown by and it’s time to gear up for battle.

The guys were already in Vincent’s office when I get there.

The last time I saw everyone was back at Lilly’s apartment. It’s been awhile since we killed anybody the way we wiped out those assholes.


It was me. I pulled the trigger.

When Lilly gave me Brent’s name that was all I needed, Vincent did the rest.

Mention the word rape to any of us guys and it’s enough. Rape with the intention to make a little girl watch her mother being beaten up too and that was their death warrant.

Vincent and the guys found them, gagged and tied them. then I ended them.

One bullet to the head each. But Brent got special treatment. I made Brent watch me blow his friends brains out first then I blew off his dick. Then his head after.

Vincent paid their boss a visit after with a message to stay the fuck away and he got Lilly’s money back. I found out that motherfucker slapped on a high interest rate on a fucking loan that was only five grand. They scared Lilly into paying what they wanted. Vincent made Lev transfer the money to Lilly. That fucker will never do shit like that again.

The guys greet me as I walk in. Everybody who needs to be here is here. Vincent, Salvatore, Nick, Gabe and Gibbs. We’re the core of the crew.

Vincent fixes his gaze on me. “You alright?” he asks.


“How’s your girl?” he says. I don’t miss the label they’ve given and I won’t argue it either. as long as she’s with me, she’s mine.

“She’s getting better,” I answer.

“You good to be here?”

“You know I am.” I take a seat next to Salvatore.

“Cool,” Vincent says. “We have a few big days coming up and I want us to go in for the kill on these guys and get our guns back. Here’s what I propose. The team that goes in on Thursday night to get the location of Collection Point A will monitor the place just in case anything happens. That way when we move in on Friday there won’t be any nasty surprises. We’ll have help on Friday from Claudius so we’ll full muscle. We’re gonna split up into different teams. I’ve asked Claudius to focus on just getting guns out while we take out Falcone. Anyone have anything to add, or questions?”

“Not me. Good plan Vince,” Salvatore says with a nod and the others nod their agreement too.

It is a good plan.