He made a few phone calls earlier but I didn’t catch any of what he said. the conversations were brief.

Christian moves over to the door, looks through the peephole and opens it. Six men are outside. I recognize Salvatore. The others are definitely his brothers. I know two of them are owners of the club but I’m not sure which two. I haven’t met them all yet. The guy at the end looks like Christian.

“We got them,” the guy with the graying temples says and I wonder if he means Brent.

“Thanks,” Christian answers. “I’ll join you in a sec.”

They move away but the guy who looks like Christian stays and comes in.

“Lilly, Rosie this is my brother Georgiou. He’s going to take you to my place. I’ll catch up with you in a little while and bring the boxes. You just get there and make yourself at home,” Christian explains.

“Come, we need to go now,” Georgiou says with an etch of wariness in his voice.

“Okay. Thanks,” I say and take Rosie’s hand. I look to Christian as we walk out and when I see the hardness come back into his face I know I’m right. They found Brent.

We go left for the elevator and he goes right, toward the corner where Brent lives. There’s a muffling sound that sounds like someone’s trying to talk but can’t. I swear I hear quiet sobs too.

We get in the elevator and it goes down. At about the halfway mark I hear it. a gun shot, then another and another, and another. And… another.

There were five of them including Brent.

I think they got one bullet each.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I don’t know what I imagined when I thought of where Christian lived. I just imagined him in that pent house at the club. So I figured he’d live somewhere similar.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

When Georgiou pulled up at the gated entrance and tapped in a password into the panel I knew the house the gates were supposed to protect must look spectacular.

It absolutely did. as we drove down the drive and the house came into view my mouth fell open at the sight. It looked comparable to a stately home but with a European edge I’ve seen common in the houses in France and Spain. Almost gothic looking. The house is massive and the grounds vast. What I see goes on for acres and there’s a little lake far off in the distance.

A few years before Mom died we went on a European tour. We went for the month and visited several countries. It was nice. That was the year I finished high school. Mom saved up and wanted to treat me for getting into Julliard. It was amazing. That was just before she got sick. At that time we didn’t know how sick she was. She hadn’t even gone to the doctors yet. The disease hadn’t gotten to a stage where she noticed. It wasn’t until the after that it hit her.

She truly loved Europe and loved the houses. We stayed in a chateau in France and she adored it.

Miguel’s home in Columbia was a mansion and it was amazing with that exotic feel to it. When we got there I thought I’d arrived in heaven. The fact that it was right by the beach too and had all those tropical plants surrounding the property was a bonus.

But it was nothing like this.

Both Rosie and me were staring at the house in amazement and the interior was even more spectacular than the exterior.

It just made me wonder how much Christian must make, and his money. He gave me ten grand easy without the flicker of an eyelid and that offer of a million dollars was like easy money to him. It’s foolish to question things like that when I know the answers. I had proof of what he is earlier when I heard those gun shots and I’ve seen his power.

They all exuded the same vibe of power.

The doctor was the first to see me minutes after we got to the house. He was a tall elderly Italian man with bright blue eyes and a mid-length beard. He examined me and gave me some painkillers, along with some ointment for the bruises.

He left a little while ago with instructions to rest. Georgiou was as nice as Christian when it came to Rosie and he insisted that I follow the doctors’ orders and sleep while he took care of Rosie.

I barely had much choice because the painkillers made me drowsy. I wouldn’t normally fall asleep and allow a stranger to take care of my child but I knew I was doing more damage to myself by fighting to stay awake and ignoring the plain fact that I was beaten up. Badly beaten up, and I was just lucky nothing more was done to me.

I fell asleep in a beautiful room that looked like it was pulled from a fairytale. I remember stirring from my slumber and seeing Christian’s face hovering over me. Then falling asleep again, waking and feeling Rosie’s little arms around me.

When I stir again the bright rays of the sun make me shut my eyes. I’m not sure if it’s still the same day or the next day. Since there’s no clock on the wall and I no longer have a phone I don’t know what the time is.