“I thought I owed you breakfast. It’s the least I could do for wiping you out,” he says inclining his head to the side.

“You made me breakfast?”And he’s still here.

“I did.” he waves a hand over the pancakes he already did and looks proud of himself.

I walk over and take a look, unable to stop myself from smiling.

I gasp when he picks me up and sets me down on the little table. “Doll, I got strawberries, just like last night, except we can eat them off the pancakes instead of you,” he says reaching for a strawberry from the plummet in the basket next to us.

I take it and note how he watches me eat.

He cuts off a slice of the pancake and holds it out on a fork for me to take. I do and it tastes amazing.

“Thank you. This taste fantastic. I love pancakes.”

“Is that so?”


“Well maybe I’m doing it because I have an ulterior motive.”

My interest piques. “What would that be?”

“I want you to spend the day with me,” his gaze drops down to my breasts.

The look in his eyes is salacious and enough to make me agree to anything.

Anything except getting the little time I have to see Rosie. I still feel bad for those two nights I spent with Christian on my days off. At least though I still saw her during the day. I just met him at night. If I stay with him today, I won’t see her until tomorrow and that would be two days of her being without me.

“I want to,” I answer.

“Then say yes,” he replies.

“I …can’t.”

He leans in and nibbles on my neck. “Why?” he asks against my skin.

He still doesn’t know about Rosie and part of me still doesn’t want to tell him. I think I would die if anyone thought I was a bad mother for working in a place like this, doing what I’m doing. I know I won’t be the only woman here with a child. Most of the women here however who have children are not doing anything close to what I’m doing. Louise can compare all she wants, but she’s on the other side of the fence.

“I have something I have to take care of that can’t reschedule,” I say and he looks at me.

It’s half a lie, but I’m grateful when he doesn’t push.

“Okay, what time do you need to be there?” he asks, and I think of the latest time I can pick up Rosie.

“Midday,” I answer and we both simultaneously look at the clock on the wall. It’s nine o’clock.

When I look back to him the sinful glint in his eyes reveals the plan forming in his mind.

“Perfect,” he says and tugs on the sheet covering me.

I allow it to fall away from my body and allow him to pick me up.

“What about the pancakes?”

“I’ll make some more.”

That’s all he says and all I get to ask. The next two hours see us devouring each other moving from the bed to the hot tub on the terrace. By the time he finishes with me I can barely walk, and the drive home is spent thinking of him and how crazy this is all is.