That night after he booked me, I foolishly looked out for him even though I had that feeling I wasn’t going to see him.

I had the feeling so strong that day so when it happened, I wasn’t surprised. I was disappointed, but not surprised. What I didn’t expect though was for him to just disappear.

Against my better judgement, I’ve looked out for him every night.

The other thing to disappear, or rather not happen was my bookings. I haven’t had any.

Happy as I am to dance in my crystal ball, I’m not at The Dark Odyssey to just dance. Every night I’ve gone to work anxious. First it was anxiety over who would book me and what I’d have to do, then it was anxiety over not being booked.

Last night was my first night off so I was able to spend some time with Rosie.

For a change of scenery today I decided to take her to the park on the other side of the complex and have a picnic.

Since the other day when I saw that guy, I’ve been more aware and alert. I haven’t seen him again or anyone like him, but I don’t think there’s any harm in being too careful.

After we eat the little sandwiches I made, I get her playing in the sandpit with two other children and make my way over to a bench nearby so I can sit and watch her. She plays and I mull over the shit on my mind.

I’m just over a week into this job. I still have a long way to go until I can do something different with my life and pay the damn debt. It feels like forever and the way things are looking now with no bookings I might just be able to pay the debt and rent again.

If all went to plan, as in everything, I was hoping to buy a studio apartment. I was going to put down a sizeable amount for the deposit on the mortgage, pay Lev his money and rely on what I could make from dancing with the Aurora if I got in to make the repayments on the rest of the mortgage.

If I don’t get any bookings that dream is kind of out the window.

A few weeks back I thought it would be fun for me and Rosie to look at some places, so I’ve got apartments to view tomorrow. There’s a house too that would be perfect.

I’ll take her just for something new and exciting to do but I don’t think it’s gonna happen. Realistically though, I just need to be somewhere safe. Somewhere Rosie and I don’t have to worry. That’s not here. I owe safety at the least to her.

Every time I look at her I renew that promise to be her mom and to make sure I truly take care of her. She’s so little and carefree. Only three years old but she has such a big personality that I fell in love with from the moment I looked at her.

I wish Miguel could have loved us the same. Both of us.

It was so bad towards the end. He had whores in our bed, fucking them while I was in the next room injured or in pain from one of his beatings for doing some stupid shit to displease him. I saw injuries and pain more times than not, and all the while I had to nurse my baby and try to keep her safe.

When I got the news that Miguel had been killed in a police shootout, I wasn’t even sad. Freedom was my first thought. Freedom from that life. with the cartel and him. The night before Miguel was killed, I was in hospital, again. I had a broken wrist. He’d pushed me down the stairs for dropping one of his shirts on the floor. Thankful all I had was that broken wrist I jumped at the chance to take Rosie and flee, never looking back.

The memories stir the sadness in my soul and a wave of tears threaten to take me. Not wanting to cry, I stand up. It’s time to go home. I don’t want to be one of those people who cry in public, and I don’t want to upset myself before work tonight.

I walk over to Rosie who smiles at me when I approach.

“Hey princess, how about we go home and watch Mickey Mouse?” I ask.

She loves the Mikey Mouse Club House and I’m glad I can use the lure of watching it as a clever ruse to get away.

“Yes Mama. Can we sing the songs too?” she asks jumping up and down.

“Of course, sweet girl. We can sing.”

She comes to me willingly and I pick her up.

I carry her most of the way and only set her down when we get closer to the building.

That’s when I hear the wolf whistle behind me.

Turning, I find myself staring eye to eye with Brent and two of his thuggish friends. They all have smiles on their faces.

“Well look at this?” Brent says.

I pick Rosie up again and continue walking down the path leading to the apartment building. I planned to ignore them, but they all followed.