
I needed the escape.

I almost cancelled on tonight, but I decided I needed to see her. Lilly.I needed to escape in her, so I give into what I needed.

I felt I owed it to myself on account of the shit day I had.

My end nearly came for me earlier. I just missed a bullet to my head by a fraction of a second. One fucker landed a fist in my face while another was getting his gun ready to end me. It was chance that made me catch a glimpse of him in the glass of a broken window. He fired and I was able to jump out of the way then end him before he could get another chance to take me down.

Just a second more and that would have been it. I wouldn’t be here, and I guess Pa would have had to find someone else to clean up my mess.

When I thought of what he said to me it made me sick and I realized I was too worked up to do an all-nighter like the previous night. In my world there are several things that can get you killed. One of those things is going out for a kill when you’re so worked up over shit you can’t think straight. There isn’t anyone who’s part of La Cosa Nostra who doesn’t know that.

Today taught me exactly that when I thought it was a good idea to jump into enemy territory with my threats.

So, I’m picking up tomorrow because right now I want to give this doll my undivided attention.


I can’t get enough of her lips and that taste of her. It’s the taste of relinquishing, of her giving herself to me. Giving over whatever sent her into the walls of my club and just being with me.

I hold her now, kissing her hard. I know she doesn’t belong in my arms any more than she does dancing in my club.

She has secrets. Something powerful enough to send her here. I feel it in her touch and the way she kisses me. She’s as desperate for the escape as I am.

Greed makes you selfish. My fucking mind is filled with lust, but I’m still gripped by the way she looks at me.

If I were a better man I wouldn’t give into selfishness. I’d see her trouble, help her and that would be it. I wouldn’t need to see her again.

I pull away from her lips at the thought of that and gaze down at her crystal blue eyes that look silver in the moonlight.

I gaze down at her and wonder what her story is. Lifting her chin, I take my time and look over her perfect face and down her elegant neck. I stop at the edge of her chin, noticing a little mark just under it that looks like she had a cut and it was stitched. I didn’t see that before.

When I run my finger over it, she turns her head away and the dullness that comes into her eyes suggests I shouldn’t ask what happened. or how it happened.

This is the second time this girl has reminded me of Amelia. It was a mark like that that alerted me to the possibility that someone was hurting her. no way in hell would I have guessed it was her stepfather. Why would I when he was the good schoolteacher, portraying a mask to the world.

Lily stares up at me and I think back to how she looked when she was danced. This is about sex. Only sex. The same way she shouldn’t ask me any questions, the same way I shouldn’t ask her anything. I need to keep the line up, so I shove the question and the memories of Amelia out of my mind.

Lilly reaches up to cup my cheek and I want her all over again.

The perfect idea for what I want to do next comes to me. I don’t know what time it is. We’ve been like this for hours, but I want more. As long as it’s dark outside it’s night to me and it means I can have her as many times as I have strength.

I shuffle over, pick her up and set her down on my lap to straddle me.

“I want you to ride my cock,” I tell her.

Her cheeks flush exactly the way I expect from the sweet woman she is. I don’t do sweet, but fuck is it good to break a sweet, untainted woman to please me. I’ve been doing it all night.

“Wouldn’t that be more for my benefit than yours?” she asks with a raised brow.

“No, because you wanted the chance to fuck me all night, and I want to watch you,” I answer once again shocking her. “Am I right?”

“Yes,” she says.

“Then fuck me, angel,” I urge her.

I’d bet she’s never met anyone like me. I can tell and there’s something about that, that appeals to my possessive ego that I like.