One little mistake and this is what happens. It wasn’t even a mistake. I was just being too careful, and not being careful enough.

Fuck… if my father does that to me, I’m out. What Georgiou is suggesting is shit you do when you just finish college. Bookkeeping and fucking shit like that.

“This is bull shit Georgiou and I’m not going to stand for it,” I argue.

“Well you have to. Pa’s serious, he’ll take it to vote if he has to. He said so. He didn’t think the others would disagree if they were going to lose out on million dollar contracts and put our business at risk.”

Moving to vote hasn’t been done in recent years. not while I worked for the company. Vincent is boss, but my father and my two other uncles will have rights in regard to the running of the business. Vincent has the final word, but his opinion can be swayed. Definitely if I’m made to look like a liability to the company, and the family.

“I see,” I say and seethe. “What about you? You want to see me pushing pencils? Did you offer your help to make sure that happens?”

“Motherfucking bastard, like I would do that to you,” he states enraged.

“Wouldn’t you,Boss,” I answer, and he doesn’t reply. He knows what I mean and I’m almost certain he offered up his help so he could make himself look good.

I cut him a crude stare and walk away, leaving him to stew in the shit of his thoughts. He can do whatever he thinks he’s doing to help and run back to Pa and lick his ass.

I have to figure this shit out myself, or in a way outside the influence of my father and Georgiou.

Instead of heading to my office like I would on the regular, I jump in my car and head to the ice locker the cleanup crew use to store the dead until we give the go ahead to dispose of the bodies.

I’m gonna see what the dead can tell me.

Maybe they can give me a lead. That’s all I need. Something I can work with. Once I get that, I’ll figure this shit out.

Chapter Five


“Mama, can we have some more of those rainbow cookies again?” Rosie asks with a little smile.

It’s one of those smiles that make me feel like I have everything I want right in front of me. Unfortunately for me this child could smile at me and make me agree to anything.

“Sweetie, Mama doesn’t want your teeth to fall out,” I say shaking my head.

She pouts and it’s the cutest thing ever. Her little blonde curls bounce and her brown eyes sparkle. Those eyes are the only thing she got from her father and they remind me of a time before he changed into a monster.

They hold the sweetness and the care.

“But Mama, they taste so good.” Rosie holds on to the edge of my top.

“We’ll have more over the weekend, I promise.” I couldn’t give them to her now even if I wanted to.

Jenny, the amazing lady I got to take care of her, is hot on healthy food and its nearly dinner time. I want Rosie to eat dinner and not be too full on sugary things.

It’s time to go to the club again and today is going to be no different to yesterday. Yesterday I worried about the job because I didn’t know what to expect. It’s the same thing today. I don’t know what to expect after I dance.

Who will book me tonight? And, what will I have to do?

I can’t get last night out of my head. I can’t get him out of my head and I’m crazy to fixate on the fact that a man paid that much money to taste me.

Maybe it’s because I was treated like an animal for so, so long. Like I was nothing. I started to believe it.

“Okay, Mama,” Rosie says giving me that smile again. Her little voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

I pack her toys she calls her babies into her Mickey Mouse backpack. The stuffed pig, the goose, the giraffe and the little pink bear. Then I put on her Princess Ariel coat and the knitted hat she likes.

We just have to go over to the next apartment building, but it looked to me like it would rain so I want to be sure she doesn’t catch a cold.