He steps back and the fog of sexual haze clears from my mind.
I bend down and grab my clothes and shrug back into them. My cheeks burn as I do and my whole-body blushes from the way he looks at me as I leave.
I’m almost back to the dressing room before I stop to catch my breath.
He wanted the first taste of me.
The man paid five grand to taste me?
That was my first taste of him too and the encounter left my head spinning.
Chapter Four
It’s times like these when I’m definitely grateful for the stress release provided by the club.
This morning I woke with a smile on my face at the memory of Lily St. James. The memory of how her sexy body felt in my hands, and the taste of her sweet pussy in my mouth.
There’s nothing like watching a sweet woman like her come undone in my arms as she yields to pleasure.
If the shit with Falcone wasn’t happening, I would have done more than eat out that pussy last night. I would have owned it.
I wondered what the rest of her story was as I watched her leave with her cheeks red and her body still giving off that heat of desire.
A woman like her would never venture to a club like The Dark Odyssey. We have topless dancers on poles on the dance floor, but they weren’t like her. Those girls love dancing and love the thrill of dancing naked and getting lost in the sexual fantasy of the place. I always hire a certain type of woman. They’re mostly the ones who aren’t desperate.
She was. Desperate enough to actually tell me she needed the job.
Last night when I watched her dance, she did something to me.
Calmed me? I don’t know. It was just something, and she performed the role of the angel perfectly.
The woman got over a hundred bids placed on her last night. It didn’t surprise me. I wouldn’t have been the only fucker who wanted to dirty her up and taint the purity she exuded as she danced.
Whatever her story is, I have to push the angel out of my mind today.
The minute the sun came up I got a call from Vincent summoning me to work bright and early. I spoke to him last night after my encounter with Lily. He wasn’t happy. Not one fucking bit.
As I walk into Giordanos Inc, there’s a noticeable hush about the place. I get to his office and bite down hard on my back teeth when I see I’m in the presence of not just Vincent but Georgiou too who looks pissed as fuck.
I expected that. I can just imagine what he and Pa must have spoken about last night when I filled him in on what was going on.
Traditionally, our side of the family deals with business while all the men in Vincent’s immediate family deal with trouble and protect the family.
Everybody else falls in line on the business front, which doesn’t actually include much more than my father and uncles, and soon to be two of my younger cousins.
To people like Vincent, our job is easy, and this shit shouldn’t be happening.
Georgiou glances at me as I approach and gives me that look of habit we shared when we were kids. It’s a heads up that I better say the right things.
I’ve always had to do that because I’m the youngest of the pack. He and Vincent are the oldest in their forties.
“Morning,” I say and take a seat opposite them feeling like I’m sitting my ass down in the electric chair.
“Good morning,” Vincent answers. “Right, we spoke last night, and I’ve delivered the news to Angelo. He’s not happy about it Christian and neither am I. I would love to excuse you in blame, but the shit happened because security wasn’t tight enough.”
My fucking breath stills because he’s right.