I gaze at him, not quite knowing what to say. He didn’t ask a question and honestly, hearing the impressive nature of my resume, makes me feel sick because I want so badly to be that Lilly St. James again.

I would give anything. The only thing I would never change is the existence of my child.

That devilish smile comes back to his face. “Now the question on my mind is this, what is a girl like you doing in a place like this?”

“I’m working,” I answer. And he gives me a deep chuckle.

“You are aware that you won’t just be floating around in that crystal ball… right?”

“Yes… I’m aware.”

He steps away from the balcony and moves closer. I swallow past the lump that’s formed in my throat and will my heart to calm its wild beat.

“You don’t look like the party girl, or the frivolous type. Yet you’re willing to do anything.”



This feels like the same conversation I had with Louise. Except she was more concerned for my welfare. This guy is curious, like he wants to see what my limits are.

“I needed the job,” I answer simple. What other answer can there be. I haven’t seen much of the other staff yet, but I know what they have to do. There are private waitresses and all sorts of different people here who make the fantasy. I doubt that the bulk of them would do it because they love having sex with random strangers.

Then again maybe they do, and I’m just being the naïve princess, lost to the understanding of how the world truly works.

“Do you know what the wordanythingmeans at The Dark Odyssey, Lilly St. James?” he asks taking another step closer.

I want to stand my ground and show him I’m not afraid. I want to show him I can be professional about this, but my legs move on their own accord and I step back.

Smiling, he takes another intimidating step and leers at me. Another step from the two of us in a dance of power and I stop near the wall.

He touches the edge of my face and looms before me. “Answer the question

Angel. I definitely tell you suit the part; I almost feel like the devil I am to dirty you up.”

Dirty me up… what is he going to do to me?

“I know what anything means. You’re talking to me like you don’t want me to do the job,” I answer trying to keep the quiver out of my voice. I pray it’s not that. I wonder if it is. He paid five grand to spend the night with me and here we are talking about the job.

I don’t know what I’d do if he fired me. I was paid for the rehearsals and the training for the last few weeks. I got four thousand dollars for that and I gave two of it to Lev, taking my debt down to ten grand. Ten grand I shouldn’t even owe but I do because of his stupid interest, and terms and conditions for late payments.

“I want you to do the job, I’m just trying you out for size,” he taunts.

“What does that mean?”

“It means I want to be sure I don’t get hit with a harassment suit because you misunderstood the termanything,” he declares.

When a wild flame of desire lights up his eyes, wetness gathers in my core. His gaze drops to my breasts and he openly stares. I don’t have to ask what he’s thinking, or what he’ll want to do next.

“What do you want me to do?” I ask.

“Strip. Take it all off, I want the first taste.”

My breath stills and I try to calm my heart again so it doesn’t leap right out of my chest.

This is it.

This is it now. I’m going to have to do whatever he wants me to.