I’ve set things up so all the men have communicators that work long range. It’s similar to what the military would use. The communicators all have tracking devices too so just in case it all goes to hell and one of us gets taken.

Me, Vincent, and Salvatore are hidden in the undergrowth to the left of the factory. Gabe, Nick and a few of the men in our alliance are to the right. Claudius and his men are in another little group to the side of the factory. We’re fifty men strong and we have our snipers who always back us up, stationed in the trees.

We’re what I call solid and the only result of us is a blood bath.

It will be an all-star show down with Falcone and Officer Tanner making their appearances soon.

Vincent straightens when a large white truck comes into view.

This is it. It’s show time.

“Get ready boys,” Vincent says into his communicator. “Once they get out of the truck and get in the factory we move.”

I’m ready as fuck and mad like it too.

I’ve been waiting for this moment for weeks.

The truck parks up and Falcone jumps out along with officer Tanner and a few others. Bastards. They’ll get theirs. I’ll make sure of that. I absolutely fucking will.

They won’t get away with making a fool out of me.

They open up the back of the truck in prep to load the guns and the other things they stole. The men inside the factory open the large mechanical door that opens with a security code.

I straighten up when Falcone and Officer Tanner walk inside the factory. Their men follow and we wait for the last man to go in.

“Let’s move,” Vincent commands then all hell breaks loose.

Claudius and his men go in first, guns at the ready. We move next, rushing in.

I’m supposed to cover Vincent and Salvatore.

As soon as we get in its bullets everywhere. We already scouted out the place so we know how many men Falcone has here.

It’s one big shoot out for a good few minutes. Every now and again our snipers manage to take out some of the guys, knocking down the enemy number.

This surprise ambush couldn’t have been a better idea. It takes minutes to get them down to less than half.

Claudius and his guys have already secured the case with the guns and are moving out with them. While Falcone’s men fight with everything they have it’s a losing battle.

The sound of a loud crash turns my attention to the direction the sound came. That’s when I see Falcone and Officer Tanner trying to make their escape through the back entrance. They’re both in a pickup ramming it into the door.

It smashes open and they drive through.

“No fucking way,” I shout and Vincent sees them too.

The two of us take off lightning fast, heading for our bikes. We jump on them and breeze down the path into the woods following the pickup. Salvatore is behind us.

I ride a mean bike and I can get by in the dense woodland area in the night just as well as I can on the road during the daylight.

Like speed demons we catch up with them but fuck, Officer Tanner sticks his head out the window and starts shooting at us.

I have to jump my bike and swerve to dodge the bullets. Vincent has to divert but he speeds back and starts shooting too.

A plan forms in my mind. If I can shoot the tires on the pickup that would get them good. They’ll be forced to stop and crash. I’m not letting them get away. I steady one hand on the bike and grab my gun from the holster. Tanner shoots at Vincent.

I focus and aim, fire one shot and it gets the back wheel. The pickup jerks and Tanner is thrown back into the vehicle. Vincent shoots the other side of the vehicle and gets the other tire.

It’s enough. The pickup was going so fast that the sudden blast to the wheels makes it flip over twice.