“I hear you.”

“I’ll arrange for a doctor to see you once you get to my place and we’ll take it from there.”

We stare at each other for a few moments and I realize this is really happening. he’s here and he’s serious. We’re leaving this place.

“Thank you…” I say, my lips tremble and my soul quivers.

He lowers and plants a kiss on my forehead, then lingers there for a few seconds. I can’t help but feel that spark again. That spark that has been blurring the lines between us. I know this is the part where I’m supposed to have that reality check. I’m just too tired to do it today.

Rosie calls for me and he lifts his head, looking to the bedroom.

He didn’t ask about her. Maybe he want me to actually tell him. Maybe he’ll ask later. Maybe I’ve spoiled this by not saying anything. what if he doesn’t want me anymore? The woman he thinks I am is this single woman without a child to take care off. someone he can play with at The Dark Odyssey.

I’m not that person anymore.

When he moves away from me, walks back over to the kitchen counter, and picks up a plate with a little pancake on it I swallow my thoughts. He made a pig face on the pancake with the syrup and fruit. It looks like Rosie’s little pig.

“Eat,” he tells me then he makes his way into the bedroom. Rosie sits up when she sees him and smiles. He’s the first guy she’s ever smiled at.

“Good morning, baby girl. Look what I made for you,” Christian says with a smile.

“Oh wow, it’s Piggie,” Rosie bubbles and starts giggling. “She has no hair though.”

Christian laughs. “I thought we could do a better job tomorrow. I have cool stuff we can use for her hair. Will you be a good little principessa and eat this for me?”

“What’s that?” Rosie asks with wide eyes.

“Oh, it means princess in…my country.”

“what country?”

“It’s a far away land called Italy.”

“I can be a princess there if I eat this? Like Princess Arial?”

Christian nods and my heart squeezes. “You’re already a princess. All girls are.”

Watching him with her pulls on my heart.

I promised myself two things when I left Columbia. The first was to do everything in my power to keep Rosie safe and the next was to make sure I was never again with any man who would treat us the way Miguel did.

In my head being in the mafia was enough of a heads up to stay away, but Christian has made me do a full turn around in my mind.

He couldn’t have shocked me more that he has.

* * *

“It’s time to go,” Christian says glancing at his watch.

We’re packed up and ready. There wasn’t much worth taking so it didn’t take long to pack and he did most of the work.

Rosie is sitting on the sofa holding her little bag she always takes with her, and I’m wearing a baseball cap to hide my face.

There’s a knock at the door that makes me jump.

“It’s okay, those are my people,” Christian says planting a hand on my arm to calm me.

His people… I wonder who’s here.