He takes out another document and I take it.

It’s another list. Another schedule of things that will be stolen. Not from us though. From other companies. The next hit is listed for three weeks’ time. Three days before our case of guns is supposed to leave Chicago. They’re planning to steal more guns. This is from a gun shop warehouse on the other side of Chicago. It’s a case of four hundred revolvers. They even have the time listed. Ten P.M Wednesday the 16thof October. The delivery drop off is at Check Point A.Motherfuckers.

I glance at Salvatore and watch him tense. I already know what he’s thinking. If we don’t do anything until this happens it’s time wasted. But what will it cost us if we get something wrong?

“Gibbs, that’s cutting it too fine. We can’t be like sitting ducks for the next three weeks.” Salvatore blows out a ragged breath.

I don’t like the idea any more than he does, but I think it’s the best option we have.

“I hear you and I don’t like it. I want to keep looking but they’re hidden well. As we know from previous experience that means they have help. With a dirty cop involved that could mean help in high places. We know where their next hit is so all we have to do is watch and wait, allow them to do what they’re doing and lead us straight to Check Point A. Once we know where Checkpoint A is then we’ll hopefully get the guns back. If not, we at least get the guys.”

This is the first real concreate thing we’ve managed to get our hands on.

Salvatore nods. “Yeah, it looks like that’s our best shot.”

“I think it is,” I agree. “It’s the easiest way too and keeps things simple. We plan for a heist then on the sixteenth.”

“I’ll get the men ready. We need to go in hard for this, make sure we get these fuckers good and proper.”

That sounds like music to my ears.

* * *

I look forward to going to the club all day and when the time comes, I feel like my old self again.

I’m calling the waiting time respite. A grace period where we can’t do anything but wait, even though we still have the secret squad and our soldiers keeping an eye out. We wouldn’t be fool enough to just sit back and relax for the next three weeks.

I am however taking the time to destress.

There’s only one thing I want to do to relief the damn stress and angst of the last few weeks.

I’m looking right at her as she dances in the crystal ball.

Lilly St. James has been in my head all day and I’d be a liar if I didn’t admit to craving the time to indulge on her.

Tonight’s show is no less perfect than what I’ve seen before. I don’t even fucking care that I upset a whole bunch of my best patrons with my personal announcement yesterday that the angel would no longer be available for bookings. I didn’t say I booked her, but I explained that she received an offer that would cover her for the duration of the show. Anyone who knows me though would guess it was me who made the offer.

All I can think of now is my new toy, the woman who agreed to sell me her body to me for a million dollars. I’m taboo as fuck and a poor bastard who gave into his fascination.

The confliction inside me prevented me from letting her go or allowing anybody else to have her. So, with my millions I bought what I wanted. Her.

I bought mynothing is off limitstime with her.

Last night I didn’t mean to see her. I was supposed to be at the club to check the accounts. That’s it. Then she happened. Then the offer happened.

When I took her on the stairs it was like I lost my fucking mind. By the time we got to the suite, I realized I had to have her. Keep her for myself.

I already planned to compensate her for the days I was away but the million sweetened the deal. I didn’t expect her to hesitate though. That moment of hesitation gripped me because I know why she did it.

It has to do with thatthingneither of us is acknowledging. That spark of attraction I felt the second I met her and every time I’m with her.

That’s why she hesitated.

I’ve decided not to think about it. I’m just going to enjoy her.

After the show I head to the penthouse suite.

Lilly knows to meet me here. I gave Louise instructions for what I wanted tonight and as Lilly comes through the door, I’m satisfied with what I see.