* * *

Georgiou’s already in his private lounge when I arrive at the club. I can see him sitting on the leather sofa talking to one of the bartenders.

It looks like he’s here by himself tonight. Normally he’d either be in the office we share doing the accounts or here with Evie and Henry.

When I turn the corner, he sees me. His face tenses with worry as I approach, and he straightens up.

“Buonasera, brother,” he greets me and looks me over with caution.

“Buonasera,” I answer. “Thanks for sending the guys earlier.”

He motions to the sofa in front of him and I move over to sit.

“You’re welcome. Glad to see you’re in one piece and not in a box with a tag on your foot.” He raises his brows and leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

“No, not yet.”

Georgiou blows out a ragged breath. “Christian, Pa was out of line for saying that shit to you.”

“You know he meant it, though right?”

I’m glad he doesn’t try to smooth things over and tell me otherwise.

“He shouldn’t have said that to you.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It does. It matters to me. Christian, we’re brothers. I don’t like this tension between us.”

“You know why tension exists. It’s just gotten worse recently because you want to show you can be boss. Pa uses that against you to get to me, and you allow him to.”

He looks thrown that I’ve called him out but acceptance washes over his face and he nods.

“Yeah. I agree it’s that. It’s hard dealing with a man like Pa who controls so much and calls the shots. You don’t make it any easier though on either of us. That’s why he doesn’t take you seriously.”

“Fuck, Georgiou. You know that’s fucking bullshit. There’s no way you believe that. I’ve changed a lot over the years and stepped up. Pa acts like a bastard to me because he can’t control me. He’s never been able to.” I straighten up and stare him straight in the eye, wanting him to see I’m serious about where my goals lie. “I want in on the business Georgiou. I do. it’s important to me. You should know that.”

“I do.”

“Then hear me and stop being a prick. This place,” I motion around the area in reference to the club as a whole. “This place is something I never thought we’d have. We can die happy with the millions we’ve made with The Dark Odyssey. But Giordanos Inc. is legacy. It’s an empire of legacy. That is what people know us for. The Dark Odyssey is our playground, but I can’t play around forever. I’m not doing that now.”

The look of understanding that comes into my brother’s eyes shows he’s not only heard me but he’s not looking at me like I’m the playboy anymore.

“I hear you,” he says and raises a balled fist to bump it with mine. A sign of truce. It’s the first in years he’s done that.

I smirk and bump my fists with his.

“Thank you.”

“I’ll take care of the club. You focus on what you need to do and call me if you need me.”

“I will,” I promise and stand, feeling lighter like a burden of carrying the angst between us has lifted off my shoulders.

I have to go now. I’m supposed to be meeting Gibbs in an hour. It’s gonna be one of those long nights. Salvatore and I already spend most of the day going through files and we’ve just brushed the tip of the iceberg.

“Take care,” he says, and I dip my head in appreciation.

It was good to be civil with him. I can’t remember the last time we spoke properly as brothers and he wasn’t a complete asshole, trying to have one over on me.