The other men look on in fear, as they should. They were shocked to shit when my cousin, Salvatore, and I burst through the door to the warehouse not even five minutes ago, guns blazing with our men in tow.

They thought they could keep their little secret charade of shit going. Well the three dead men on the ground say otherwise.

I move into Jonny and grab his neck so hard I’m surprised I don’t snap it right off his miserable body.Motherfucker.

The fucker cries out in agony and tries to free my hands. Not gonna happen. If there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s being made to look like a fool, and definitely not in front of my family.

Maybe I wouldn’t be so enraged if the shit they were trying to pull off didn’t come back to me. But it will. All of it will.

“Give me a name,” I demand.

The fucker shuts up and his eyes go wide. The fact it’s only now he starts trembling has me pissed off all over again. Means he wasn’t scared before.

I glance at Salvatore who’s now joined me. He’s seething. I’m grateful for the backup. Two Giordanos is better than one, and Salvatore is underboss.

Having him here is good for me. I don’t have a rank in the family and that’s probably why this shit happened on my watch, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna allow these fuckers to think I’m a pussy. I’m Christian Giordano. My name is enough to put the fear of God in any man who dares cross me.

“Give me a name,” I demand once again.

“I don’t know nothing,” Jonny sputters.


He’s fucking lying.

I gave this fucker the chance to run the show, trusted his ass to be in charge and he screwed me over.

Jonny knew shit that was happening under wraps which could ruin the company and kept it hush so I wouldn’t find out.

The three men lying across from me each got one of my bullets to the head before any of them could pull their guns, and Jonny’s going to join them if he doesn’t start talking. The only reason I haven’t ended him yet is because I figure he’ll be most likely to tell us what we need to know.

“Maybe we should blow his fucking head off,” Salvatore snarls and Jonny flinches.

“That’s about to happen,” I growl shoving Jonny against the crates harder. “You dumb fuck, talk to me. You’re lying and I know it. You have a name. You’ve been in charge for the last two months. You watched those fuckers drive out of here with the shipment and filed everything like nothing happened.”

Me and Salvatore both saw him on the secret cameras I set up in here last night. We watched earlier confirming what intel alerted us to and laid in wait for all the men to get here before we struck.

I look at Jonny long and hard, giving him the chance to talk. When he doesn’t take it, my patience runs out. I land another fist in his face sending him to the ground this time. The others move out of the way when I take out my knives.

Johnny backs away on his hands. Terror is written all over his face, it makes his body shudder under my wrath.

It’s time to change things up. I’m about to show him what terror truly is. He got his chance to come clean while I wasn’t showing my true colors and he blew it.

I throw one knife in his thigh and he screams. Before he can recover, I throw another knife in his other thigh.

This is a thing we do in prep for death, with the hope the idiots we deal with on the regular will talk.

Jonny stops trying to back away from me. He’s unable to move now. The pain has taken him and the walls tremble with the echo of his cries.

“Ready to talk?” I ask,calmly. That’s probably scarier than me being enraged. “I got more knives where those came from. You’ve pissed me off so much though that I might up my game to blowing off one limb at a time. Not sure yet. I’ll do it though. My will I ever do it. What’s it gonna be?”

Jesus, the fucker has to start crying. He’s trying to talk but he can’t. The words aren’t coming out. I just need him to say one word though.One name. That’s all.

Nobody would dare steal from Giordanos. Not a damn chance. So, I want a fucking name. As I study Jonny though … I see clearly that whoever got to him must be really good,powerful. The man’s not talking, and he’s gotmyknives in his legs. Most people would have been singing like a canary by now.

That enrages me further.

Who thefuckcould he be working for?