I walk on to the dance floor, joining the sea of bodies clashing together, grinding against each other. The bar is at the end. Sex isn’t allowed on the dance floor, but from the way the people move, I’d have a hard time believing that some of them aren’t doing it under wraps. I haven’t been down here before when there were people here. So, it’s going to be the first time I see all the sexual fantasies come to life.

Eyes land on me as I move, and I glance over my shoulder to see a group of men looking at me. The way they look at me is obvious in regard to what they want to do to me. I keep moving however but freeze midstride when I see exactly why people come to the Dark Odyssey. The vision before me is like something you’d see on a porn channel and have to question if what you saw was actually real.

There’s a row of cubicles and the people inside are fucking like they need to survive. It’s like watching animals during mating season gone wild.

There are four people in the cubicle to my left. Two men and two women. All are naked with just masks on, all having sex. Watching them makes my skin flush with ravenous heat.

They were about to switch the women over when one of the guys looks at me and crooks his finger, beckoning me to join them. Mortification flies through me snapping me out of the trance of shock. It makes me want to flee, but I force myself not to. Managing a polite smile instead, I decline the invite and resume my procession through the crowd.

Jesus, I have to get my act together. I need to remember that sex is the norm here. It’s asex club. That is what it is and angel or not, I’m part of the sexual attractions here.

As I walk on, I see so much more than I ever have and ever imagined seeing in one lifetime. Enough to take my shock to astonishment. So, I keep my focus straight ahead and look to the bar in hope to find Christian.

I scan over the area, looking past the podium of topless dancers but I don’t see him anywhere, what I see is more people having sex.

My gaze lands on a bartender with blond dreadlocks making a bright blue drink. He hands it to a lady and as she steps away, I see Christian leaning against the wall in the corner.

I can’t help the little flutter that ripples through my stomach at the memory of last night and what I did with him. Everything from the way he kissed me to the way he claimed my body comes rushing back to my mind. The memory never actually left. I just wasn’t thinking about it. Now that I’ve seen him, I wouldn’t be able to resist the thoughts even if I wanted to try.

He looks at me like he was watching me the whole time.

Pulling in a deep breath, I make my way over to him and the corners of his mouth lift into a smooth sexy smile. As I approach, I notice a bruise over his left eye that looks like he was hit with something.

He gives me a cocky grin and taps the edge of the bruise when he sees me looking. “Tough day at the office, you should see the other guy,” he mutters.

Over here the music is low, even though we’re technically still on the dance floor.

“Are you hurt?” I ask carefully, feeling like I’m overstepping a boundary by asking the question. It’s the look in his eyes that compels me to want to know.

“No, Lilly St. James. I’m not hurt,” he answers in a smooth voice and gives me a weary smile.

He then surprises me by leaning in close and stopping a breath away, crooking his finger for me to come to his lips. Unlike that guy previously who did the same thing, I don’t have the urge to flee. I go to his lips and give him a brief kiss that warms my cheeks.

Christian moves to my ear and his hot breath caresses over my skin. My whole body comes alive with fire when he runs his thumb over my left nipple, fondling me in public.

“You look beautiful,” he whispers.

“Thank you,” I answer. The combination of his closeness and the way he’s touching me makes knots coil my stomach. My lungs clench when attraction knifes through me and it’s only when he drops his hand back to his side that the constriction in my lung’s releases.

“Ready for tonight?” he asks.

That’s a really good question.Am I? I don’t know. It’s clear I’m completely out of my league here. A fish out of water. What’s worse is he knows.

“Yeah,” I lie. “What are we doing tonight?” At least if I have some idea, I can prep my mind.

“I’m not sure yet. I thought I’d take you on a walk on the wild side and try you for size. See how far you’re willing to go and what I can do with you. So far all I know is you don’t like group sex,” he states with a smirk confirming he was watching me earlier and would have most definitely seen how uncomfortable I was when I was watching the group having sex.

I’m grateful for the darkness to hide the crimson sweeping over my cheeks.

“Am I right, Angel?” he asks. “You don’t like to be shared?”

“No… I don’t.” I know I signed up to anything, but I can’t imagine being taken by two men, even though those women look like their having a good time. I just have my fingers crossed that I won’t have to be in any situation where I have to have sex with more than one guy.

“Well that works fine since I have no plans to share you. Come, let’s go,” he stretches his hand out to take mine and I take it.

We go through the glass doors and the music fades. When we make our descent down a set of stone steps, it reminds me of something you’d see in a European castle.

I wasn’t really given much of a tour of the place, but I know what’s down here. The sex dungeon, and special rooms for those with different types of fetishes. I read about it in my employee pack in prep for what I might encounter.