I walk right out of the house feeling my whole body burn with rage. I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel after my own father telling me I should get this shit back even if it kills me.

I rush to my bike, my head a mess. Before I can get on it, Georgiou runs out calling me. I have half a mind to ride away and leave him, but I stop. If I did that, he’d come after me and I don’t want that.


“Don’t,” I cut him off. I don’t want to hear it. Whatever it is, I don’t want to hear it.

“Don’t do anything stupid,” he states, fisting his hands at his side.

“Isn’t that all I seem to do,” I throw back.

“You fucking listen to me. Don’t do anything stupid just to prove a point.”

“Georgiou just leave me alone. Go back to licking Pa’s ass. wouldn’t want you to end up in the shit like me.”

He grabs my t-shirt ready to fight and I sneer. He’s good with a gun, but he can’t fight me. I’ve clocked as much field time as he has in the office.

“You motherfucker, I’m fucking serious.”

“Me too. Georgiou, Pa is serious. He controls everything. That’s what matters isn’t it. Money and power.”

“Christian, this is your fault. I can’t save your ass when you’ve done shit that should have been tended to months ago.”

“Not once did I try to evade blame. It is my fucking fault, but fuck, brother, we both know that if the situation was reversed and it was you who fucked up, this wouldn’t be happening. No one would treat you like this. Leaving a man in charge who knows a job so you can find a replacement is not a bad move. But I accept blame for his actions.”

He releases his hold on me. “Christian, please, don’t go out there guns blazing and get yourself killed.”

“You heard the orders. Get the guns back, how do you think I’m going to do that? Pa was serious. He’d prefer I died and get the guns back, than for us to lose business.”

He doesn’t answer. What can he say?

It’s the truth and to me he’s the same.

I just shake my head, jump on my bike and ride away.

Pa can threaten me all he wants. It’s not the worry over losing everything that has me riding away with the plan to do what I have to get the guns back. What makes me do it is I don’t want to be the cause of shit happening to everyone else when it comes to the company. I don’t want the others to suffer for my actions and I care enough to put my life on the line to fix this.

Doing so, however, might very well get me killed.

Chapter Nine


Christian wants me to wear a mask tonight.

At the end of my performance Louise had everything ready for me to change into. All at Tristan’s request. He wanted me in red so I’m wearing a red negligee with matching shoes. The mask is red too and has the same lace and diamante adornments as the negligee.

As I make my way out of the dressing room, I feel like a doll you dress up.

He paid ten thousand again for the night.Ten thousand dollars. It’s money I never imagined. Money I should be happy to add to my estimate but like last night I feel the same uneasiness.

Thatwhat-the-hell-am-I-doingmoment has come into my mind several times today and by default I think of my goal and why I’m doing this.

Three more months. And this is another night down. But then… there is the matter of Christian as a whole that’s screwed with my mind.

Being with him has caused an internal conflict that I’m not sure how to handle. I’ve been on edge all day, but I would be a liar if I didn’t admit that the part of me, he reached last night wasn’t looking forward to seeing him again. And… there’s a definite sense of relief in knowing that it’s him I’ll be with tonight. Not someone else.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the patent wall as I come down the wide diamond encrusted stairs and step on to the marble flooring. The red and gold venetian mask I’m wearing is striking against my pale skin. The negligee is very pretty but it’s definitely something best reserved for the bedroom. Because the material is as see-through as the gown, I wore in the crystal ball, I look like I’m here for sex.