I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like her. So protective of her father that she’s willing to do that to make good on the repayment.

I won’t be a monster with her. “No,” I answer, but it’s not what she thinks. The crushed look on her face gets to me though. I reach out and touch her beautiful face and lift her jaw. “Two weeks. You’ll stay with me for two more weeks, and that’s it.”

Her lips part in pure surprise, and she blows out a ragged breath. “Really? It’s two million dollars.”

I don’t want to think about that part, and when I think of the situation, I could allow her to go now if I’m allowing her to leave in two weeks.

Part of me can’t. The same part that was the stubborn prick that couldn’t give her an end date in the first place. I have something I want though. The stubborn side of me wants it. It wants to keep her, keep her for myself and do anything I want to her.

“I know. Two weeks, Ava. That means you are still mine.”

The blush that flushes down her elegant neck is a tell that she wants me too.

“Thank you.”

“I still get to do anything I want to you.”

She steps forward and presses her dainty hands to my chest. “We should go upstairs.”

“Yeah, we should.”

We go upstairs, and this time, I take her to my bed.

* * *

“I’m sorry it took me so long,” Gibbs says.

He lowers to sit down in the chair opposite my desk.

“No worries. I appreciate your work,” I tell him. It’s late, really late, bordering midnight. Ava fell asleep long ago.

The thing about the underground is that it never sleeps, and lucky for me, Gibbs is the kind of man to make house calls at any hour. We’re in my office at home, and the only people around are the guards.

The fact he’s here is not actually that good. He’s here about Mark, not the Bratva guys. He hasn’t found anything on them yet.

Fucking Mark… I don’t want to hear more shit about him, not when I can’t wrap my head around what it is I’m feeling for his daughter.

“What have you got for me, Gibbs?”

“I found some very interesting things on this employee of yours. I’m gonna say that when it takes me a long time to find info and I don’t find everything, it means there’s something well hidden.”

Fucking hell. “What do you mean?”

“I mean I found some things, and the things I found suggest there’s more. He had the standard access to your business accounts you gave him, but he was also able to hack into your personal securities account in Italy and Switzerland.”

My damn mouth drops open. “What the fuck are you saying to me? Mark hacked?”

“He hacked but didn’t take anything. What stood out though was the way he did it. It’s only signature to a few hackers I’ve heard of. And that’s no one in this hemisphere. And in all seriousness, if they are on this side of the planet, they’re guarded, kept by the best people.”


“That’s not all, boss.”

There’s more even though he didn’t find everything? “What?”

“Mark changed his name ten years ago to what it is now. As to what it was before, I don’t know, and that’s enough to make me suspicious. There’re not a lot of things that can get a man to change his name in such a fashion. No trace of the past suggests something to definitely hide. In this case, it’s who he is. Who he truly is.”

“God, this isn’t happening.”