I look to him. The water is only a quarter of the way up the tank. He’s about four feet away from the ground.

What should I do?

I watch the speed at which the water is rising and try to calculate the danger. It’s actually Ava who needs me more. And as her screams fade, my heart sinks. That’s not a good sign.

The worry, though, is if I head into the fire to save her, will I make it back out? If I don’t and the guys don’t get here in time, Timothy dies. He’ll drown. My baby… will drown.

The thought momentarily paralyses me, but in the same breath, the echo of bullets snaps me out of that fear-filled daze. I will myself to push past the momentary panic.

The water in the tank is still level, so I whip off my jacket, cover my head, backpedal few paces then leap into the wall of fire.

I go through it and see Ava slumped against the pole. The fire hasn’t reached her yet, but being enclosed is enough. I race to her and thank my lucky stars when she lifts her head and looks at me.

When I get to her, her lips part and she shakes her head.

“Save the baby… leave me. Please….” she mutters, once again thinking of herself last.

I don’t answer. There’s no time. I get to work on the knots on the rope tying her up and loosen them. As I do, she crumbles in my arms, and I pick her up. She can barely stand. The fire is too hot now. My lungs are tight, burning, and I’m weak myself.

“Vincent… save Timothy. Leave me. I… You can’t.”

“You’re mine. Let’s go,” I answer and turn my attention back to the wall of fire.

I’ll have to go in the way I came. Jump through it.

My jacket is already burned and damaged from my entry. I pick Ava up, holding her close, and cover our heads with the jacket. Then I run faster than the last time. Adrenaline pumping through my body and the need to save my boy on my mind. I won’t let him die here.

One leap through the fire, and we make it. Barely.

My clothes catch fire. I drop her and roll on the ground.

“Vincent!” It’s Gabe. He sprays me with a liquid that puts the fire out.

I’m alive. I’m alive. I get up and look over to the tank. To my horror, it’s more than half full now, and Timothy’s head is just above the water. Nick and Pa are trying to open the tank to get him out, but they can’t.

Everyone else is fighting.

“Gabe, take her to safety,” I tell Gabe, who picks up Ava and runs with her.

She’ll be safe with him. She’ll be safe now.

The last thing left is my boy.

I run to the tank and look it over. The water is coming from below through some kind of tap, and this tank structure looks like one of the evil devices they used on the prisoners who got the death penalty. They used to do all manner of shit to people. Drowning was just one thing.

“I can’t get it open!” Nick yells. He and Pa are trying to yank open the top.

I growl as terror truly takes me. The top of the tank is sealed shut. That is indeed the opening, but I think it’s one of those that are activated remotely. That means I was never going to be able to get him out with my bare hands, and they won’t be able to either.

I see Nick’s gun in his back pocket and climb up and grab it. He jumps down, and so does Pa.

“Boy, that’s dangerous,” Pa yelps.

“It’s the only way,” I answer and fire the bullet at the base of the tank. A hole pierces through, allowing some of the water to spill out.

Pa takes out his gun too, and we both shoot the same spot until the glass cracks open. The water gushes out in a heavy flood, and my baby screams and screams so hard it shakes my soul.

I run to him and undo his ropes.