“You calling me a pussy? I’ll fuck you up with my bare hands. Look what you have to do to try and beat me, motherfucker,” I spit back.

He doesn’t like that and comes for me again with a jab, leaving himself open, wide open.

I take the chance to land my knee in his chest and extend my leg to his face. It happens so quickly that it catches him off guard, shocking him, and he stumbles.

Now he knows I have skill too.

I can give as much as I get in a fight. It’s always harder, though, when I fight someone with pro skills. They’re good, definitely better than those without, but what makes them a match for me is resilience.

What gives me some edge, however, is that I don’t play by any rules or expectations. I fight raw from the streets, meaning I can be dirty too.

I can be. It’s just better when I’m not distracted. Ava and Timothy are across the clearing from me and these bastards can do anything. Ilya could decide to set Ava ablaze and that would be it, or he could flood the fucking tank with my baby.

One of them could shoot me dead now.

I need the guys to get here. I have no idea where they are. They set out two hours earlier than me, but taking into account as to where they had to enter the area unseen, it took them longer to get here. Then there was the whole aspect of coming up with some kind of plan and hacking the fuck out of the systems.

I watch for my face when Dmitri launches at me. I’m sure he won’t hesitate to mess me up. He’ll fucking do it and probably use the same glass to cut my throat.

He kicks me, getting me hard in my stomach, and I stagger backwards. I have to jump out of the way to avoid the punch he was about to land in my throat. That would have killed me.


Like an animal, he rushes me with his teeth bared, and I send a roundhouse kick to his midsection. The combo of his forward speed and my own has more effect. It knocks him back. Then a side sweep sends him to the ground.

This is it, my opening. I just needed a way. I jump on him and land one fist after another in his face. I manage to stun him enough to immobilize him.

Earlier, I spotted a knife in his pocket. I allow him to punch me and take the blow of the glass on his wrists but only so I can grab his knife.

The fucker doesn’t see my next move until it’s too late. Way too late.

He only catches a glimpse of the knife. It flickers in the sunlight, the metal shimmering as I slice his throat open. Blood gushes out in abundance. It’s not enough though. This man is one evil motherfucker.

“This is for Ava,” I tell him and stab him straight in his heart.

The minute I do, his eyes bulge wide and the light leaves them as he dies.

Normally, I don’t like looking at that. I don’t like seeing that last spark of life go. I’m not a sick fuck like most who enjoy killing. On this occasion, however, I will take the accomplishment.

Just as I preempted, the men around attempt to come for me, so I grab Dmitri’s gun and end a few. There are too many of them though.

“You fucker!” Ilya wails. He pulls out his own gun to shoot me, but the gun flies out of his hand as he cocks it.

I look to the right and see Salvatore and the others coming through like the cavalry coming to my rescue.

I don’t waste time. I can’t. Timothy and Ava need me. I run like my feet are attached to lightning bolts.

I run and stop just before the horrific scene. Ava to my left, Timothy to my right.

The fire wall surrounding Ava is bigger and dense. Those fuckers must have used gasoline or some sort of powder. It’s so hot my throat feels dry and my skin is burning. How the fuck am I even going to contemplate saving her? I’d have to jump through it to get a shot. It’s the only way.

The combination of her screams and Timothy’s wails pierces through my soul.

My parental instincts are calling to me to get my boy out of danger while my love for this woman is imploring me to do the same for her.

I can’t even focus on the evil laughter of the men behind me.

“Papa!” my boy cries, snapping me out of the panic that’s taken me.