Prick… he’s fucking playing with me.

“I want my son back, and I want Ava.”

“I will allow you to try to get your son back. You pissed on us, and this is us shitting on you. It will be a pleasure to watch you try to save your boy. Didn’t think of him, did you, when you thought you could be all high and mighty taking charge?”

“Where?” I demand. There’s no point entertaining any conversation with this asshole.

“The old prison. Get there for midday on the mark, and we’ll tell you what to do. I don’t have to tell you to come alone, and no funny business. You won’t like what will happen if you try to screw with us.”

Once again, he hangs up, cutting me off before I can say another word.

I slam the phone down on the table and look back to everyone.

“I have to go to the old prison at noon. This fucker wants to kill me too.” Obviously, it’s that because I can bet my ass whatever plan he has in store for me won’t include me coming out and getting my boy back alive. He didn’t even mention Ava.

Claudius steps forward. “I know that place. We could work that to our advantage,” he says.

“I’m supposed to come alone. He’ll fucking know if we try any shit he won’t like.”

“If I’m right, the oldest section of the prison has no surveillance. We can go through there and meet you in the middle. I know the way.”

“I can tap into their surveillance the same way they used ours here,” Christian says. “I can do it. I just need another pair of eyes to get set up.”

“Me,” Salvatore says. He and Christian are the two tech geniuses in the family.

“Looks like we have a plan,” Pa says.

I want to hope, but I don’t know if I can. I certainly won’t give up, though, before I’ve even began if I have a shot.

“Okay, let’s do this.”

It will be on me when I get in. Everything will be on me once I step inside the building. That’s the part I worry about.

What will happen?

What has this bastard got planned for me?

Another day, another enemy ready to kill and take from me.

It’s the story of my fucking life.

Chapter Forty-Two


“Hello, sleepyhead. Boy, you sure love to sleep. Thought you were dead.” Ilya laughs.

I wake to the horrible face of my uncle looming before me.

He reveals crooked teeth that make me cringe, and his eyes crinkle with deep crow’s feet.

I look around. I’m outside in an old courtyard with overgrown vines and a field of unkempt grass. I don’t know where the hell I am, though, in terms of location.

It looks like an abandoned school, or… prison. The building before me has windows with bars on them. Most of the glass in some of the windows without the bars are broken.

My location is the least of my worries as I look down and realize I’m tied to a pole. There’s rope wrapped tightly around me, starting at the top of my shoulders and running down my body. I’m well and truly screwed.

“Where am I?” I seethe.