“They won’t be able to see now,” Christian says.

I pick up a paperweight and launch it at the fucking wall. It smashes, and the glass goes everywhere.

They all look at me.

Christian, my brothers, Claudius, and Pa.

“This is fucking shit!” I shout.

“You wouldn’t have known, Vincent,” Christian imparts. I look at him, and he holds my gaze.

He figured straightaway that my CCTV was being hacked. That and the fucking phones in the house. Those fuckers snuck her out right from under my nose, and they took my boy too. What the fuck was the point of me setting up this fortress of a place with all the security in the world only to have this shit happen to me?

I reach for my phone and call the fucker again.

This is my hundredth call since we discovered Ava was gone. He’s not answering, though, and I don’t know what the fuck’s going to happen now because I’ve practically lost any leverage I had over Ilya.

“Vincent, you have to calm down,” Pa says. He comes closer to me and places his hands on my shoulders. “We’ll figure it out. We’ll figure out something. I’ve got the secret squad trying to locate them and all the boys on the street doing the same. Everyone’s doing their best.”

I nod and look at the solemn faces surrounding me.

Things are bad, and they know it. I know it.

I don’t think I’m going to see my boy alive again, and as for Ava… she’s dead.

There was never a question about what would happen if Illya got his hands on her. Death.

What must he be doing to her?

She’s been gone for hours, and Timothy the whole day. He could be dead too.

I blow out a ragged breath and move out of Pa’s grasp.

I can’t deal with this.

I walk out and head outside, where the cold night air stings my cheeks. I lean against the wall feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders.

I don’t move until a hand rests on my back, and I turn to see Salvatore.

“Vin…” he says.

“I don’t know what to do. It’s death again, isn’t it…?”

“Let’s try not to think like that.” He nods. I lower to the ground with my back against the wall, and he sits next to me.

We stay like that all night. No one comes out to us because there’s nothing to tell us. No updates, no news, and in this instance, no news isn’t good news. It’s all bad.

* * *

As the clock strikes nine, I ring that bastard’s phone again.

When he answers, I’m not sure what emotion I should feel. Happy that he answered, furious as fuck that he didn’t answer before, or furious as fuck about the whole situation. I feel all of it at once.

“You motherfucker!” I shout into the phone.

I have the same faces glaring at me as last night. They’ve all been here offering their support in whatever way they can.

“Do calm yourself. I have no reason to speak to you now. I’m doing you a favor.”