How the fuck am I supposed to be boss of the whole family when I couldn’t even take care of the one person who mattered most to me?

“I know you will.” Pa nods his confirmation. His belief in me makes me feel guilty. “There’s also something more in the works that will change everything. It’s the other reason I did this today.”

“What is it?”

“The Bratva, the Ivanezh Brotherhood, want to form an alliance with us.”

“Do they now?” I ask, on the edge of a breath.

“Yes, we own the seas, that means we own the world. It’s something they don’t have but want a piece of. That means money for us.”

Fucking hell.Fuck, that’s a whole other territory of alliance we’ve never crossed. There’s a good reason for that. The last people in the circles we travelled who had any dealings with the Bratva ended up getting wiped out, as in their whole family killed. Nobody was ever given details of what actually happened, so all we were left to do was guess. It didn’t take any real guessing to know that something happened to piss off the brotherhood. Then again, the way I hear it is that it doesn’t take much to piss them off.

No one we know has revealed doing business, much less wanting to form any kind of alliance with them since.

So, why are we even considering it?

Pa temples his fingers. “Vincent you’re like an open book. I can tell from the look in your eyes that you’re thinking of past mishaps with the Romanos.”

That was the family who got obliterated.

“Aren’t you?”

He sighs. “Of course, but that happened well over fifteen years ago, Vinny. I don’t see the need to hold on to something that never involved us and miss out on opportunity.” He gives me a pointed stare like I’m being difficult.

I guess maybe I am, but I don’t know about this. It could be good financially, but it could be bad too.

Back in the day, we might have needed them, we made our money mostly from smuggling cash and criminals from one country to the next. As we got wealthier, we didn’t have to do that shit anymore. Now, we actually do legit business, and we’re widely used by thousands of companies worldwide. So, we don’t need to agree to this alliance with the Bratva.

“I want you to meet with them,” Pa says. “Meet and think about the offer. We’ve had no end of trouble over the last few years with people wanting to usurp our control of the company. This is the first time anyone has wanted to have a sit-down-and-talk meeting to discuss an alliance.”

I quirk a brow, but I’m listening. “You sound like you really want this.”

“I’m interested in the opportunity for the family. So, set something up, meet and decide if you want to accept when you get all the facts.”

“Alright, I can do that.”

“Good. Deal quickly with Mark. I don’t want to keep our Bratva friends waiting,” he orders, and I nod.

Deal with Mark?I’ll be paying that fucker a visit later.

To deal with him properly though, I have to deal with Ava.

I glance at the clock behind Pa. It’s just gone eleven thirty. I gave Ava until lunchtime.

There are a lot of loose ends to tie up in regard to Mark. It is by no means anywhere near fixed. But I know what to do in the meantime if that offer of Ava’s is still on the table.

She’ll be an escape, stress relief, and some form of compensation for the shit her father served me.

I hear her words echo in my mind again.

Don’t you want me?

My answer is till the same.


Chapter Five