My mother is anything but coy—she’s like the Spartan queen who’s as much an authority figure as the king.

It’s curious.

“I have called this meeting today for very important reasons,” Pa says. “Of course, the situation with Mark Knight has not been good for us, and I’m inclined to push plans aside until it is all resolved. However, I feel I must continue as planned. Everyone here is capable of their specific jobs. This meeting is about a restructure of our hierarchy.”

He has my fucking attention now. He really does.

“What?” I know not to interrupt when he’s talking. I was the hothead twenty-five-year-old when he first gave me the back of his hand in public and told me to shut the fuck up and never interrupt him ever again.

He doesn’t do that now. When he looks at me again, it’s with respect.

“The hierarchy of leadership in our family is being restructured because I wish to retire with my wife and go back to Italy.”

There is a noticeable silence that spreads across the room.

My brothers and cousins look as shocked as I feel, but I was right that my five uncles look unfazed. They knew. They knew about this. Of course, they would. Our grandfather left specific instructions for things to be done a certain way. Everything in regard to the structure of leadership and ownership is to be handled by the six brothers. Pa is in charge and can overrule any of them, but he’s not like that.

The question now though is, what next?

Pa straightens up and looks at me. “Your uncles and I have agreed that you will be boss of the family, Vincent. You take over the empire, with your brothers as your new leaders. That means that Georgiou and Christian will step up on the business side of things at the shipping company, where Georgiou as my eldest nephew will take care of your job as it is now, and you will have mine. Christian will share the duties Salvatore, Gabriel, and Nick have so everything across our business ventures can run smoothly.”

Jesus…. All I can do is stare. This is something I definitely never saw coming at all.

Pa looks away from me. I noticed how there was no question about it. Nothing for me to think about and get back to him because I trained my whole life for this moment.

“Angela and I will be leaving for Italy in two months. That is when I propose the official handover. I will remain in charge until then, and everything will be as it has been in regard to our leadership. Everything will, however, start to take effect immediately with an easing-in process so you aren’t thrown into the deep end. I don’t really think there will be a problem,” Pa adds, and everyone shakes their heads.

He’s right. We all do our parts, and we all tend to work together as a unit. However, if there’s anybody who’s going to be affected by his departure, it’s me.

“Are there any questions?” Pa asks, and again, everyone shakes their heads. “Well, if there are no questions, then we’ll adjourn this meeting and call back in a few weeks once I’ve ironed out my exit plan.”

On his word, chairs shuffle as everyone gets up and starts making their way out. Salvatore glances back at me, as do Christian and Georgiou. It’s funny, everyone does what they do, but I’m probably going to need those three the most. My brother more.

I stay behind.

Ma is the last to leave, which leaves just Pa and me in the room.

I look to him, and his face softens. “Which should we talk about first? The part where you well and truly want to chew my ass out for the fact that Mark’s still alive? Or the bomb you just dropped on us?”

He chuckles. “Vinny,” he begins. They all have their nicknames for me. Except Gabe and Nick. They’re the only ones who full-name me. “I’m not gonna lie. I’m not happy about that fucker Mark. So, let’s deal with that first. What the fuck happened? This wise guy shits on us, and he’s still alive? Do I have to go take care of him myself?”

He’s actually serious. One of the things I’ve always liked about my father is that he’s a hands-on leader. He gets his hands as dirty as the guy he’s giving orders to. That’s how he’s always been.


“Listen, boy,” he says, and I can’t help but laugh.

“Pa, when the hell you gonna stop calling me a boy? I haven’t been that in years.” I lower my brows.

“Like fuck. You’re my boy, no matter how old you get, so never Vincent, Salvatore filled me in, and I’m not happy about it. I’ll tell you now that he never really wanted to tell me about the girl, but he had to. Vinny, I don’t like it. It’s not enough. I don’t care that the fucker was high and lost his shit. Just imagine the worst things that could have happened. Those calls from the feds and cops could have been something else or started some shit we don’t need.”

“I know…” He doesn’t have to tell me. I do know, and I can’t argue because he’s right.

“So, if you know, dole out the punishment… dole out the punishment and take care of the girl.”

Oh fuck…fucking hell. My eyes snap open, but I don’t know why I’m surprised. “Pa—”

“Vinny, you better make sure the next words that come out of your mouth are words I want to hear.”