It’s bigger than we all thought and the Fontaines weren’t laying low on us at all.

They were just waiting.

Waiting for the right time.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Time waits for no man.

It certainly won’t wait for us, especially when we have none.

We called the cleanup crew for Cole and then call Pa.

An hour later we’re in the meeting room standing before him. The setup is similar to what it was the other day with everyone here, but we’re standing.

I delivered the news to him.

I felt it should be me who talked since it was my idea to disobey his orders and go out on the streets.

Neither of us disagreed that the info Cole dished us was above our remit.

Not only were there hackers looking in on our people, but we also had to assume that if Fontaine scum were keeping such a close eye on us, they would have known that Cole talked to us too. The cleanup guys found what looked like a tracking device on the fucker’s body. So I was inclined to accept the assumption.

Now we’re here and Pa and Vincent look pissed as fuck at the three of us.

Pa stands before me as I finish up.

“Is that it Salvatore?” he asks.

“Yes boss,” I answer. I know the fact that we’re standing means he’s not fucking happy with what we did, even if we came back with very important information.

“Vincent,” Pa begins although he’s still looking at me.

“Yes boss?” Vincent answers.

“Order a lockdown and issue everyone with new phones,” Pa begins his orders. “Tighten security at the company and all our businesses. Call everyone in for questioning, don’t give anyone a chance to flee.”

“Yes sir,” Vincent says. One last look at me and Vincent leaves.

“Angela, put the secret squad on lockdown,” he says to Ma and she tenses the same as me. “Relieve them of their duties until further notice.”

We’re the only other family to my knowledge with a secret squad. They’re intel, our eyes and ears. They go by a number, no name. Only my parents know their identity.

Them on lockdown means we really can’t trust anyone, but it also means we’re flying blind.

“Yes, Julian,” Ma answers. She never calls him sir or boss. She’s the only one allowed to call him by name. He stares after her as she leaves the room, worry in his eyes.

She glances back at him once. Throughout the whole time we’ve been here she hasn’t looked me in the eye which means she’s pissed at me too.

Pa returns his focus to us, looks from Nick to Gabe who are on either side of me and shakes his head.

“Gabriel and Nickoli, go home to your families.” Pa always full names them when he’s being clear we’re talking business.

“Pa—” Nick begins but one look from my father silences him.

Just like when we were boys, Gabe is the first to move. He goes to Nick, rests a hand on his shoulder and ushers him away.