I smile and kiss him quickly. “I better go.”

“Hey, Babygirl. Looks like something else is bothering you.”

I look at him and think of the danger. He himself said that I know what he is and who he is. Mobster and not just any old mobster either. He’s a Giordano.

“Salvatore, I know you guys like to keep women out of business and you probably can’t answer me but you…” I feel really uncomfortable talking about this. We never talk about anything to do with business other than the club and he knows the business I’m talking about isn’t that. It’s the thing that’s been drilled into me from birth to never speak of.

“What is it Babygirl?”

I look at him and I see him as my boy, but I know he isn’t a boy anymore. Frankie was killed then Vincent became underboss andcapo. That’s the way it works in their family. Very traditional. Something doesn’t have to happen to Vincent for Salvatore to have to take the lead. He’s not like Vincent. He’s here doing the books but I’ve seen him in action. He’d take the lead if he needed to. He’d becomecapowhen the time called for it.

“You’re careful, right… I mean if there was danger you’d be careful.” I nod like I’m giving myself the answer, the reassurance.

He stares at me. “I’m careful. Are you worried about danger Mimi?”

“No… um I just wondered. I worry for you. It’s not like danger hasn’t come for us all before.”

“You know what? If danger comes I have a plan. It’s Giordano protocol. Do you want to hear what it is?”


“Protect your woman first. You are mine Mimi and I will protect you first always.”

I can’t lie and say I don’t feel touched by that, but what about him? “Thank you…but will you keep yourself safe too?”

He smiles at me. “Baby… don’t you worry about me. Don’t. I don’t want you to.

“I do though. Salvatore… please promise me you’ll be safe.”

“I promise…Come here baby, I miss your lips and the taste of you.” He crooks his finger and I go to him.

I go to him. My lips touch his but I still worry.

Dad’s words are still in my mind.

Chapter Twenty-One


“Sweet girl, look at you.”Grandma beams. She always acts like she hasn’t seen me in forever even if it was weeks since I last saw her.

In this instance it was just three weeks ago.

At the time she was hot on asking me who I was dating.

Because she was into her latest guy.

She cups my face, looks me over and sighs. My grandmother is seventy five but because of the amount of surgery she’s had on her face and her body she looks like she could be a good thirty years younger. And she dates as such too.

“Hi Grandma, are you okay?” I smile.

“All the better for seeing you sweet girl.” She bubbles, linking her arm with mine. “I made apple pie and I got you that breast cream I was telling you about.”

“What kind of cream is this? You didn’t tell me anything about breast cream.” I laugh.

“Oh shit, sorry dear. That was Maryanne. I’m supposed to tell you,” she shakes her head at herself.

Maryanne, my cousin is of the same man-hungry branch as grandma.