I don’t know who this could be though. I’m not expecting anyone other than Salvatore and he has keys.
I get up when the knock sounds again and habit makes me look through the peephole.
Unlike Gina who just opens her door I look first and get the shock of my life when I see Gabe standing on the other side.
My heart stills.
Usually I’m okay when I see him. I made myself okay. I had to. We work together and we’re in the same circle.
I know though that he’s not here to stop for a random visit. He’s here because of what happened between him and Salvatore.
I haven’t seen Gabe in weeks and honestly it’s been… it’s been easier not being around him.
On the edge of a breath I open the door and put on my best smile.
“Gabe… hey there,” I say, adding the pleasant voice to match the smile.
“Mimi.. hello. Can I come in?” he asks. He’s so different now I barely recognize him.
He’s still got the dangerous vibe but it’s clear he’s whipped himself into shape for Charlotte.
“Of course,” I tell him.
He comes in and I close the door.
“Salvatore around?” he asks looking around the room. There’s not a whole lot to look at inside here. What he’s looking at is kind of it and the bedroom. The kitchen is open plan like Salvatore’s but my whole apartment could fit in his living room.
“No, not yet. I’m sure he’ll be by soon. Were you looking for him?” I answer.
Sadness comes into his eyes and I can see he’s not okay. “No… I wasn’t. I came by to talk to you. Didn’t really want to go to the club, and I didn’t want to disturb you on your day off either. I thought and hoped the latter would be the better option.”
I’m surprised he even remembers when I’m off but it’s almost obvious that he’d remember since I work for him and I manage the place. The owner of a business is gonna know when their managers are there or not.
I wouldn’t kid myself into thinking he remembered for anything else.
“What did you want to see me for? Is everything okay with Charlotte?” I ask.
“Yeah… she’s fine. She’s okay.”
“And… the baby? I bet you’re real excited about being a father.” I feel like a hypocrite asking.
What makes it so bad is I really like Charlotte. I’m not a bitch who can hold a grudge against a genuinely nice person.
He doesn’t answer me. He just looks and presses his lips together.
“Mimi… I came to talk to you because I think I did something worse to you than what I know and I feel like I know what it is but I’m not sure. I want you to tell me.” He stares me directly in my eyes, never looking away.
“There’s nothing…” I say and swallow hard. I’m in a good place now and I don’t want to go back down that road.
I don’t want to spoil the happiness I’ve had for the last few weeks with a guy who’s so perfect he exists beyond fantasy.
“I know there is,” he insists. “I’ve been waiting for the right time to speak to you. Mimi, my brother is like a part of me and I know when I hurt him. The only way to hurt him is to hurt his babygirl. So I just want to know what I did.”
I stare at him and feel the truth in his words. I’ve been holding on to the past for what feels like forever. Only telling Gina, then confessing to Salvatore.
Maybe… I should tell him.