It’s time to step up my game and cut to the shit.

I won’t and don’t accept the excuse she gave me.That it will be different with me. Fucking fuck that. I’m not about to lie down like a little bitch and accept that.

I get that she’s broken. All I have to do is fix her.

Chapter Eleven


I’m trying.Trying to keep my mind open.

What’s helping is Salvatore is talking to me again.

He was gone when I woke up this morning and sent me a message earlier to meet him at the club at eight.

Last night, I reached a point where I was at my lowest. That’s how I ended up at Salvatore’s apartment. My mind took me to the place it knew I’d find the most strength.

I spent all of yesterday looking for a new building and potential location for the restaurant and found nothing.

Then I just crumbled when Dad’s words came rushing in on me. I started questioning myself and I wondered if I should just give up.

This morning I woke up with the newfound strength my soul sought amid the weirdness of being at Salvatore’s place.

Amid the weirdness that he slept on the sofa and gave me the bed. Of course it would be different now between us after the night we spent together last week.

That night changed us and realistically I can’t just forget it, or act like it never happened.

I figured perhaps if I take small steps maybe I’ll be able to shake the fear and just… see where that leads me. That’s where I am now. One day at a time. One step at a time.Slowly.

I left his place an hour ago after making an appointment to view a potential building near the shopping complex at the Water Tower on Michigan avenue.

I made the appointment knowing my heart wouldn’t be into it, but I’m trying. That’s the most important thing. I’m trying and now I want to prove my father wrong.

I just have to get over this hurdle first.

The problem with finding the perfect place is just that. It’s perfect and when I had a shot at getting it the dream came alive in my head. I could see myself there doing what I wanted to do.

I love working at The Dark Odyssey. I love the fantasy of the place and the wildness people get up to. I see myself staying there too, but it’s not the same as owning my own business.

I arrived at the club early. As usual it’s crazy with the wild sex. I make my way up to Salvatore’s lounge and see him standing by the balcony of the archway watching the couple in the exhibitionist box.

Watching people have sex is supposed to be a norm to us. It’s so normal that what isn’t normal is watching people not have sex.

However, it felt normal untilwehad sex and my cheeks burn looking at the couple now. The sight of them makes me stop in my tracks.

The guy pounds relentlessly into the woman from behind. He’s fucking her so hard she’s shoved up against the glass of the box and her breasts squash into it.

I turn and look at Salvatore, finding him watching me and my whole body blushes when I take note of the desire in his eyes. The last time we were up here together we stepped over the line. I don’t know what will happen tonight.

I walk up to him and he looks me over. He doesn’t say anything though and that’s strange. I’m wearing black, not because he likes it and what I have on is a mini dress that hugs my frame in a similar way to a negligee.

He puts his cigar down and walks around me, continuing to look me up and down.

“Should I even ask what’s going on?” I ask when he stops in front of me.

We had last night but we aren’t okay. Things are vague between us and I don’t like it.

“I have an offer for you,” he states. His expression is hard and searching.