“It’s kind of a business meeting, I am still coming on Sunday though. So this isn’t to replace that.” We have dinner together once a month. When I first left home it was every week. This however is what it came to and it wasn’t me who phased out the weekly meetings. It was him.

Him being busy, but like most mafia guys I know that could mean anything from business to pleasure.

I’ve seen his women and the fact that his pockets run deep means he won’t lack for one at his side. There’s always an easy pool of them that frequent the circles we travel in.

“That’s good to hear. Haven’t seen you in a month. So, hit me with it. What’s so important to drag you down here?” He motions to the chair before him and I sit and straighten up to prep to tell him.

“My restaurant,” I say. “My restaurant, Dad. I want to do it. I am doing it.”

He smiles and his bright blue eyes twinkle. “That’s wonderful sweetie.”

“Thank you. I have my business plan ready and I reckon I could be ready to go in less than two months but plans kind of fell off course for the location.”Here… this is the part that I need to sell him.

“What happened?”

“The owner decided to sell the place instead of leasing it and it’s substantially more than I anticipated. Dad, the location is beautiful. It’s right near the subway and the mall and right there in the city center where the footfall is the heaviest. I was considering buying but I don’t really have the funds. I had all the money for the lease and everything I needed to set up, this change has knocked me for six.”

He looks me over and I can tell he’s starting to see the purpose for my visit and where I’m going with my conversation.

“How much is it Mimi?” He gives me a narrow look.

I take a deep breath. “Dad… it’s three million.”

He presses his lips together and then bites the inside. “Three million? And you have how much?”

My lips part. “I have a hundred grand. I actually have that in my savings account. In my current account there’s close to twenty. I wondered if you’d consider investing. Investing… in me.” I sound desperate. I sound like I’m begging. I know I am, I just figured if I say it like that maybe he would consider it.

He runs a hand over his salt and pepper beard and sighs. “Mimi… that’s a lot of money. That’s a lot to part with, and risky.” He stares straight into me and I look back with hope. I wish he could see how badly I want this. I wish he could see how much I want to do something with my life. The look on his face though tells me he’s not going to help.

“Mimi, you have no concept of what it takes to run a business and the fact that you’re here asking me for three million dollars is so bizarre.” He sighs.

“Dad how is it bizarre? You gave cousin Lucas five million to set his business up in Catania, why not me?” Lucas isn’t the only relative he’s helped like that. Sure if I’d never known him to part with such large sums of money, I would never ask. Since I do I would never think of it as bizarre.

“Mimi, Lucas has two very successful hotels and is setting up another. You can’t compare the two. For my five million, I got back ten. This is different. This would be me buying you this place and I wouldn’t expect to get the money back because you’re my daughter.”

“So, that’s all the more reason to help me. I’m your daughter and you know how I’ve wanted this forever.” I continue on in hope.

“Have you Mimi?” He gives me a pointed stare.

I can’t believe the question, but then… it hits me and I see what he means. He’s asking me that because not only have I had a long break but I turned down the offer to study in Europe with the finest chefs to work in a sex club.

That’s the reason for the question.

My breath hitches but I push past it. “Dad I just needed to sort myself out and now that I have I can see clearly what I want to do. I want the restaurant.”

“Sweetheart, I can’t…. I’m sorry I can’t part with that much money with something that just might not work out.”

“Why wouldn’t it work out?” I’m so stupid. Why did I ask that question? I can see the answer all over his face. I can see it in his eyes. It’s been implied in what he’s been saying.

“Because it’s me,” I fill in and stand up at the same time. “You think it won’t work out because it’s me. You don’t think I’m serious.”

“Mimi, please don’t be upset.”

“How can you expect me not to be upset? I noticed how you aren’t saying that I’m wrong. You don’t think the restaurant will work because you don’t think I can do it.”

“Sweetheart, I think it’s good that you saved up and you have your plans. I suggest you try to find something in your means and take it from there. As for me my answer is no.” He sounds like he’s talking to one of his clients.

I try hard not to feel the cold sting of failure seeping into me. I’m trying hard to keep it at bay. It still comes though but I don’t act like a brat and storm out. With dignity I nod and I even offer up a smile.