“No, you’ll see.” I walk back into the kitchen with a smile on my face and grab two flute glasses.

“Mimi, I’m not playing guinea pig tonight. Jesus last time was awful.” He shakes his head at me.

I start laughing again because it was awful. That was two months ago at the restaurant. I didn’t realize that I covered the pie with salt instead of sugar.

It should have been the first sign that something was up with me.

“This is not that. I promise you.” I smile wide at him.

“Okay, what is it? Looks like we’re celebrating.” He looks at the wine.

“We are,” I agree with a little nod and pop the wine open.

“What are we celebrating?”

I take a glass, pour out some wine for him and hand it to him.

For me though I grab the orange juice, pour that and when I look at him curiosity fills his face.

Curiosity and the awe I hoped for although I haven’t said anything yet.

“Mimi…” he sets the glass back down and slips his arm around my waist. His eyes drop to my stomach and stay there for a little while before gliding up to meet mine. “You poured yourself orange juice and wine for me. Does that mean something?”


“You aren’t on some strange diet are you like last time?”

I laugh, that was some craziness that took me before the wedding where I was just drinking soups. “No, it’s not a diet.”

He runs a finger over the flat of my stomach. “Is it something magical?”

I gaze at him pretty sure that he won’t need much time to guess. He’s been watching me like a hawk since the wedding.

Watching and I know wishing. I’ve seen him with the kids in the family, Tommy, Timothy and Lukas. He’s a good uncle, a great one but anyone with eyes can see how much he’d love to be a father.


“What are we celebrating baby?”

“I’m two months pregnant,” I tell him and he stares at me long and hard, his handsome face flushed.


I nod. “I’m two months pregnant Salvatore. We’re having a baby.”

He releases a sharp breath. When his eyes well up with tears I feel my own swell too.

“We are? You and me, we’re going to be parents?” Excitement now takes him the same way it takes me.

It took me last night when I got the call from the doctor confirming my dates.

I thought I ate something bad the day before and couldn’t stop throwing up. Salvatore thought it was something I ate too.

Because I’d been through it before though I knew deep down what was going on and I had my fingers crossed.

He stands up and hugs me and I hug him hard too.

It’s the most beautiful thing ever when he kneels down and kisses my stomach.