Twelve and a half minutes. Shit!

“Salvatore you guys have to go and leave me. This is one thing you can't save me from. Not this time. Don't risk yourself for me,” Mimi continues.

I ignore her again but take heed that she’s right about one thing.

I can’t let these guys risk their lives any more than they have. This bomb will explode if I can’t diffuse it.

I stand and look at the faces of my friends.

Claudius looks sad. He never looks like that. The thing is he knows exactly what I’m going to do. They all do. I can’t look at Vincent yet. Not yet.

“Guys get off the boat,” I yell.

“Salvatore,” Vincent grabs me by my neck and shakes me as much as he can. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

God I remember the time I thought I could fight him and he surely put me in my place. The same craze comes over me now as I land a fist in his face and he staggers backward.

“Vincent get the fuck off the boat! It’s a fucking bomb. Timothy needs you.” I look to the other guys. “You have families. Some of you have kids. I thank you for everything you’ve done for us. Please, get off the boat.”

Claudius and his guys bow their heads and they go. No words spoken. They don’t need to.

Vincent is still there though with me. I grab the files and hand them to him. When he takes them I know he’ll do as I ask.

“Go Vin. You know, I’m sure Sorcha’s last thoughts had to be how much she loved you and Timothy. She knew you would be okay though because you have him. He’s the symbol of the love you have. Go.”

Vincent winces and bows his head and when he looks back at me he hugs me hard.

“Find a way to diffuse the bomb. Fucking do it Salvatore. I’m not saying goodbye to you,” he scuffs and turns to walk with the other guys. They take the boat Vincent and I came on.

I resist the urge to falter. Iamgoing to try.

I tap the communicator.

“Pa, there’s a bomb, set to go off,” I look at Mimi who’s shaking her head at me. The timer says nine minutes. “We have six minutes. Is there anyone who knows what to do.”

“I’m checking right now boy,” Pa replies.

I walk back to Mimi and she tries to wipe away the tears flowing from her eyes but there are too many.

“Why didn't you go Salvatore? You have a family too. You have a life,” she says through bouts of tears.

I look at her and just like always I see it.

I see forever. Love in life, and love beyond death.

She’s everything to me.

“You are my family… and my life. You are mine,” I answer, stunning her.

Her lips part and she blinks several times.

The voice on the communicator snaps me back to focus. “Salvatore, this is Captain Seacrest. I need you to open the vest and look at the wires. I need to know how many wires the bomb has.”

I do exactly as he says. Opening the Velcro clasp on the vest I see three wires.

“There’s three,” I tell him.

“Give me colors.”