“I didn’t remember the note and you found it after. The same as you found her in the pool.”

“This can’t be right. You came home…after me, you found me by the pool.”

“I… made it look like I did.”

I open my mouth to talk but no words come. I have no words.

I step back and press against the wall trying to get some support but it doesn’t work. My knees cave and I sink to the floor grasping on to the carpet fibers so I don’t fall away.

“Mimi… I’m telling you all of this because I can’t lose you. Marc Fontaine needs those files sweetie or he’ll kill you. He’s going to kill you. He’s serious and pissed as fuck because the presence of them has thrown off his plans for the Giordanos.” He grimaces.

“You’re the spy.” The spy Adrian spoke of. More like a rat though. “It’s you why Sorcha is dead. It’s you isn’t it?”

“Sometimes things have to happen to cut certain people down like grass.”

I can’t believe the words coming from his mouth.

“You think Sorcha had to die? Her baby, they were going to kill the baby too. You’re okay with that?” I scream.

“Mimi, fuck. I don’t have time for this, tell me where the files are. If I get them to Marc we’ll be safe again.”

“No,” I cry and break down, crying hard. It’s all too much. I can’t believe my own father is the cause of so much grief. So much death and loss.

He reaches for me, grabbing me off the ground and shakes me hard.

“Mimi you don’t understand, please I can’t lose you. Please. Please tell me where they are.”

My next words are stolen from the echo of a gunshot. The sounds coming from outside.

Another round sounds and we both look to the door.

Dad shoves me behind him as the door flies open and Marc Fontaine comes in.

“Where is she?” he demands, face contorted into a deep scowl. I’d only ever seen pictures of him. It’s enough to spot him from a mile away and flee.

You know not to fight a man like that. Tall like Salvatore, with olive skin and jet black hair. The same tough guy presence, no heart though.

I look at him, at his soulless eyes and stop breathing.

He barges in when he sees me and Dad shoves me back away.

“Mimi get out of here, run,” Dad shouts, pushing me forward.

I make a move to run to the secret door but Marc’s men swoop in and they’re too fast.

I’m not fast enough. I was an inch away then I felt hands on me.

I’m grabbed and lifted into the air.

My screams are fruitless.

“Traitorous rat,” Marc snarls at Dad.

“Let her go please, I’ll find the files.” Dad’s voice comes out in a stutter. “Please just let my little girl go, please… I’ll do whatever you want me to do, please.”

Marc laughs. “I think I have a better idea Joey Cipriani. I’m going to use your little girl for other purposes.”

“No, no please, no,” Dad begs.