I feel like I can put one of the worst things that’s happened behind me.

Now for the next thing.

The whole issue with Mom. The questions are still hanging in the air.

I open the door to the room and gasp when Dad steps away from the window.

He knew I was here?


Chapter Forty-One


“Dad,”I say and he rushes over to me hugging me hard. He looks terrible. His hair is ruffled, his eyes red and skin blotchy. I feel bad because he only looks like that when he’s worried. Most often that’s to do with me.

“Mimi, Jesus I’ve been worried sick,” he blurts.

“You knew to come here?” I have to ask because Salvatore specifically said that I wasn’t to tell him where I was, especially for his safety. Panic races through me when I think I could lose him too.

“I spoke to Salvatore,” he answers.

“Dad, it’s not safe to be here or… around me.” I shake my head.

He winces. “Sweetheart this is just the thing I didn’t want.” Beads of sweat form on his upper lip and he wipes them away. He’s sweating but it’s not exactly hot in here.

“Dad, now’s not the time for that.”

“Mimi, please you need to tell me what’s going on, what’s happening?”

I stare at him. I’m not supposed to say anything until after whatever is going down goes down.

“How about we talk tomorrow?” I suggest.

He frowns. “Mimi, I heard on the streets that you were asking about William Russo, why were you asking about him?”

I freeze up and narrow my eyes.

That night with Porter was awful and it was a night I don’t want to conjure memories of but I was pretty certain that anyone who knew I was asking about William Russo is dead.

Would Porter have said something to someone prior to me getting there?

I’m not sure.

The first thing I think to do is sell him the story I told Porter, except it feels painful to do it. I know talking about this is going to hurt him.

“I wanted to do something to honor Mom, I knew she was fond of him.” My voice barely makes it out and he steps back.

“Mimi, you are my daughter… I know when you’re lying.” His fists ball at his sides and he looks panicked. “Do you have the files? Did Adrian give you the files?”

My blood…

It’s the first to freeze from the chill that rushes down my spine and darts across my body. It happens instantly like it would if I were to be hit by a blast of cold air.

Numbness then fills me and I’m not sure what is worse. The numb tendrils of shock that tighten my insides or the icy cold. I don’t know what feels worse.

I stare at him and see truth.