Like we slipped on a glove and became the two people we were weeks ago.
I wasn’t surprised when he picked me up and took me straight to bed.
We went straight to bed where we stayed all night devouring each other. I couldn’t remember when I fell asleep. I just remember closing my eyes for what I thought was a few seconds then when I opened them again, bright sunlight was beaming down on me.
I turn my head to the side and I see him.
Salvatore is sitting by the window in his boxers, smoking a cigar and he looks like my dream guy. I just take a moment to look at him and savor what I see.
He looks to me when I sit up and slinks the cigar to the side of his mouth.
I slide off the bed and wrap the sheet around me.
When I walk over to him, he pulls me into his lap and puts the cigarette out.
“Good morning,” I say, smiling at him.
“Yes, the morning is definitely good. Look at the woman I’m waking up to. I’m one lucky bastard.” He chuckles.
“I’m lucky too.”
“Did you enjoy your night of normal Miss Cipriani?”
I smile at him. “I think I enjoyed it a little too much. Do you think we have too much sex?” I’m joking. There’s no such thing. I’m just trying to hang on to the lightness of the mood.
He frowns. “Babygirl, you’re asking me the owner of a sex club if we have too much sex? Also you work in the said sex club.”
“What if we become addicted and that’s all we ever do?”
He laughs and it’s the best sound ever.
“Jesus, you trying to tell me something Mimi?”
“I don’t know… I’m just thinking,” I state playfully.
“When your restaurant takes off and every soul in Chicago goes to eat there, you’re going to be busy. You won’t have time for The Dark Odyssey.”
I already thought about that. “I’m not leaving the club Salvatore. It’s a part of me. I’ll be there like normal once… well once we get back to normal.”
“Yeah? You like working for me and mine that much in a taboo as fuck joint.”
“I think I do.”
“Maybe it’s me… maybe it’s me I’m thinking about. I don’t exactly have a normal to go back to. We’ll get Fontaine with evidence and I will still be a danger to you.” He gets that look again. The one I won’t forget from the other day, when he broke up with me. He starts to say something and I shake my head.
“No…” I breathe.
He takes my hand and kisses it. “Mimi, I have to face reality here.”
“Salvatore don’t you dare take me away from this normal.Don’t…” I shake my head again. “Don’t do it. I’m not ready to leave yet. All I want is for you to take me back to bed and make love to me.”
I close my fingers over his and hold on to him. He holds my gaze like he’s staring deep into my soul.
“Make love…” he says barely above a whisper.
I didn’t even realize that was what I said to him until he repeated it. The words just fell naturally from my lips.
He searches my eyes. Something sensual sparks his as he studies my face.