The door opens and Salvatore comes in. I shuffle around, taking my feet off the window bay.

“You okay?” he asks, walking over to me. He sits next to me and I nod.

“Yeah, I guess. It’s not over yet though so I’m kind of neither here nor there.”

“I know what you mean. I’m the same.”

“I… still don’t know what happened to her really. Parts of it don’t make sense. How did she come by it?” I draw in a breath.

“We’ll figure it out,” he promises. “It feels like the past and present are colliding. The truth will come out soon.”

I believe it will too. It already is.

Salvatore holds my hand and gives me a gentle squeeze.

“Thank you. I appreciate it. What’s going to happen now?” I don’t know if that’s a question I should be asking but I think I should know something.

“We’re taking it to the top. It’s enough to wipe them out. I imagine if they think you have the files they must be shitting themselves with worry.”

“They thought Adrian had a password. I guess in a way he did because I’m the only person who knew what that key opened. I doubt that my grandmother would know. She hated the farmhouse and never went there when my grandfather was alive let alone when he died.”

“Yeah.” He gets an uneasy look in his eyes. “Mimi… the truth of the past is feeling like the current situation. Everything that’s happening and what Adrian mentioned about someone spying feels like what’s happening now.”

“Is that what’s happening?” I gasp.A spy?It makes sense. It fits. It explains the weirdness.

He looks uneasy. “Baby, that’s all I can and should tell you. You’re in too deep in this shit. Way more than I like. I just think you deserve some context to what’s happening.”

“Thanks for thinking that, and I get it, there’s stuff you can’t tell me. Do you think it’s the same person?” It might be odd if it was but it’s the Fontaines so that’s the common denominator.

“I don’t know what to think any more. I just know we need to be really careful now. You going to speak to your dad?”

I sigh and shake my head. “I can’t yet. It’s all too much. I sent him a message to let him know I’m safe. I told him I was with Gina. Hearing all this is going to crush him. Can I even tell him about the files?”

“No, don’t mention the files.” Salvatore runs a hand over his beard. “Not yet. It’s too dangerous. Once we do what we have to with them, tell him then. But you can talk about everything else.”

“I think I’ll meet with him properly tomorrow and talk.”

He leans back against the window and looks at me.

“I miss The Dark Odyssey. I miss not worrying about anything… The way you just forget the shit once you step through the doors.” I sigh on a heavy breath. “So much has happened in so little time.”

“Yeah,” he agrees.

I look him over and want so badly to push everything aside. It’s all been too much.

“Salvatore, can we just have normal for the rest of the night? Go to your place and have normal. Us. me and you normal.” I give him a smile.

“Normal.” He smiles and I nod. “Yeah… I think we can do that.”

He stands up and puts out his hand to take mine.

I take it and we leave.

* * *

I’m alwaysamazed at how this man can take me out of reality. Even when the worst is happening.

The minute we stepped into his apartment it felt like we just stepped back in time.