“No, you can’t.”
“I’m afraid that’s not really up for discussion if you want the files,” Gibbs states. “He will only speak to her, no one else. You can go with her but he will only speak to her.”
I look back to him and my shoulders tense.
I don’t like it. not one damn bit. Fuck.
Mimi places her hand on my arm.
“I’ll be okay. Let’s just go and I’ll see him. We don’t know what finding the files could do.” She nods. I see she’s scared though. She’s scared and I am too.
For her.
Chapter Thirty-Seven
It’s raining...
I hate the rain. The same as crying, it reminds me of sadness, especially when it pours down like this.
It always seems to rain in this way when there’s something to do with Mom.
Always sadness and grief.
Salvatore holds my hand as we walk up the steps of a church.
It’s a catholic church with large oak doors and a cross with Christ on it over the door.
This is the address we were given to find Adrian.
I’m not sure what to make of it yet. It feels very ominous. But then, what other way can it feel?
The man is in hiding. My nerves have been on high alert since we left Chicago this morning. I keep thinking we’re being watched. Dad has been calling me but I didn’t speak to him. I plan to as soon as we know all the details. I know that Salvatore has placed extra security for him because there’s no doubt that the Fontaines will try to get to him in an attempt to draw me out.
I push against the door to the church and find it’s locked so Salvatore rings the little bell on the side.
“I’m nervous,” I say under my breath.
“It’s okay. You’ll be okay. I’m out here and we have backup. Think of me,” Salvatore says and leans down to kiss me.
I gaze up at him with so many questions in my mind. Now is the worst time to be thinking of the vagueness between us.
I told him I’m his and I meant it, we’ve been sleeping together and acting like we were weeks ago, but we haven’t exactly said anything about what we are now.
Danger is still there and this is just one more thing. If I didn’t have Marc Fontaine on my ass, Salvatore and I wouldn’t have seen each other.
He moves back and like always I know he can tell what I’m thinking.
“Thanks for the restaurant and the money,” I tell him. I haven’t said thanks yet.
The corners of his mouth lift into an easy grin. “Don’t you dare give it back to me, if that’s what you’re going to tell me, fucking save it Babygirl.”
“I wasn’t. I just wanted to thank you just in case…”
He places a finger over my lips and shakes his head. “Leave it there. Just in case nothing. You leave it there Babygirl.”
The door creaks open and a tall elderly man with a full head of gray hair stands before us.