I see him and I see Dad.
I try not to think of Dad because my mind refuses to accept what happened. Not what he did. It’s what happened to him.
Marc Fontaine put a bullet in his head. Marc killed him. I know that’s true.
I’ve been on the floor with images of Dad and Gabe pushing through my mind, competing for my grief.
Gabe was by my door.
At my door, so…
He must have come for me. Saw the men and came for me.
The tears have stopped flowing from my eyes.
I’m pretty certain that I’m all cried out. There’s no more. Nothing left inside me and nothing left of me.
A cynical voice inside my head tells me I should have seen darkness coming. It always comes when I’m happy. It comes and takes away the happiness.
It’s happened to me so often now that I shouldn’t be surprised by this.
This time however just feels like the time it counts and matters. It’s the time that’s caused the biggest punch. Like a sucker punch in the back of my head.
I should have seen it coming but I looked away for one minute thinking that maybe my happiness was up to me. Then truth came to get me good.
Fucking hell and fuck it all.
I don’t care anymore. I can’t even think of Salvatore because I know these men are going to kill me and I’ll never see him again.
No matter what arrangements they make to get the files I feel I won’t see Salvatore again.
I never told him I loved him one last time.
That last time.
Early this morning.
The door creaks open and bright lights fill the room.
Marc walks in with another man that looks like him. I’m guessing that’s either Lawrence or Sergio Fontaine.
They’re all as guilty as each other to me.
Marc pulls up the little metal chair across from me and sits down with a smirk on his face.
Looking at him reminds me of Dad’s involvement with them.
I can’t imagine how Dad got himself mixed up with these people.
“My dear you look so much like your meddlesome mother,” Marc states. “Doesn’t she Lawrence?”
“Spitting image,” Lawrence replies.
“Women out of business, and don’t ask too many questions. Those are the first two things women know when they get involved with the mob. Those two things are like life lessons you stick by,” Marc continues. I can tell straight away he’s one of those people who loves the sound of their own voice. “Your father’s first mistake was marrying outside of our world. Being with a woman who not only was associated with the states attorney but one who couldn’t do what she was told. One who was ready to go after the big guys for the greater good.Crusader.Those kinds of women end up dead. They die fast just like you will.”
Lawrence pulls the gag from my mouth and I wince, gasping for air.