
Ipull up outside a place that looks like it hasn’t seen any sign of life for the last hundred years.

It has the look of one of those abandoned places on those dystopian apocalyptic films.

In the darkness, it also has an eerie vibe.

I switch on the car light so I can see what I have to take inside, and I try to calm myself.

I secure the doll to my chest and place the gun in the pouch behind her neck, making sure everything looks seamless, not suspicious.

Alejandro and the others are here somewhere. I don’t know where.

The place is like a jungle, which I suppose is why Thiago wanted us to meet here. Everything is overgrown so much so the vines have spread into what was once the parking lot.

I wonder what the hell the inside will be like.

Taking a deep breath, I get out of the car and fire off a message to Thiago letting him know I’m here.

His response comes back instantaneously.

Come inside.

Again,short and to the point. I was really hoping not to go inside, but here I go.

I press forward trying to take comfort in the fact that Alejandro can see me and Thiago can’t.

Alejandro will be there as soon as any trouble starts.

I will be safe.

This part is all I have to do.

I’ve done a lot over the last few weeks, but this is perhaps the bravest thing.

I’ve never faced a danger like Thiago before, and the closest place I’ve been to this is the dungeon back in Boston.

At least now I know where I was.

If tonight doesn’t go well, I’ll know, too, that I did fall in love again. My heart wasn’t so broken after James used me that I couldn’t love again.

I just hadn’t met the right guy.

Even though it’s over, I still acknowledge that it happened.

I push the sad thought away and walk in a straight line. I’m nearly there now. Nearly there.

There is no door to open, just vines hanging along an open doorway.

I walk through and am surprised when dim automatic lights switch on, revealing a massive space with rusted machinery and multiple levels above me.

Back in the day, this place must have been quite something, and busy from the looks of it.

I walk deeper inside and scan the place.

Where the hell is he?

What if he’s not here?