When the seriousness returns to his face, he releases my hair and runs his thick finger over the flat plane of my stomach, never taking his eyes off me. Pressing into the wall, I try to hold myself up to keep from falling over as he traces the line from my belly up to the deep valley of my cleavage. His fingers flutter lightly over the swells of my breasts then linger on my left nipple. It pebbles at his touch. Wetness gathers deep in my core. He smiles down at me like he knows. Then it occurs to me that maybe he does.

He knows his touch is arousing me. I gulp and fight back tears when he leans even closer and nips the lobe of my ear. It weakens me, and for a moment I give in and allow the arousal to claw through me. My breath comes out in a rasp as I try to catch it.

His fingers return to my stomach, then down he goes. Down, down until his hand cups my sex and his fingers slide over the smooth mound of my pussy.

I gasp when he slides a finger into my virgin passage and starts pushing in and out.

He moves back to my ear and whispers, “Wow, your pussy is so tight. I’ve never fucked a virgin before. I’m definitely going to enjoy you. You feel so good, Princesca. I can’t wait to feel you around my cock.”

My cheeks burn at his dirty words set to control my arousal and encourage my attraction to him. Then my throat tightens so much I think I might faint from the lack of air when he stares down at my pussy and starts pumping in and out faster.

The smile fades from his lips, and his handsome face takes on that hard edge again, hardening as he fingerfucks me into the wall.

Arousal hits me, making me hotter. I moan with each thrust, embarrassed and ashamed that my body is responding to him in such a way. When a jolt of pleasure rockets through me, I lose control completely.

My hands leave the wall and grasp his shirt.

He gives me a wide grin, and I’m shocked when he bends his head to suck my left breast. He starts sucking hard and speeds his movements inside my pussy. Suddenly, pleasure bursts through me. I try to fight it, try to hide it, try to will the sounds of ecstasy away from my lips, but I can’t.

I come. Hard. As I come, I moan so loud I can’t believe the sound escapes between my lips. Wetness gushes from my pussy onto his fingers, and it’s only then that he stops pumping and sucking.

Straightening up, he pulls his finger out of me and holds it up for me to see the glistening juice.

I’m shocked further when he places it in his mouth and licks it off.

The breath leaves me when he crouches down, pulls my hips to his face, and nuzzles his face between my thighs so he can thrust his tongue up into my passage. Arousal sparks inside my pussy again as he laps up the wetness that’s gathered between my legs.

Shame fills me as I watch the gorgeous man who just bought me eating me out. I’m shocked and enraged at myself when my traitorous side admits that I like what he did to me.

When he stands up, he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. A lock of his jet-black hair falls over his eye.

My gaze drops to the distinct bulge of his cock pressing against his pants, and I gulp back the fear.

“Well, isn’t this interesting,” he taunts. “Hope you liked the taster, Princesca. Next time will be even better.”

“Next… time?” I mutter, my voice barely audible. I don’t know if I should be relieved that it seems like he might not rape me or worry over next time.

“Next time… I’m not that kind of monster, sweet, innocent Emelia. I’m not going to fuck you tonight,” he says, lifting my chin and gripping the edge of my neck. “I won’t take the cherry between your legs tonight. When I do, you’ll give it to me. You’ll want me to take it.”

Fury grips my insides at his confidence. I hate that he seems so sure of himself. He doesn’t know me.

“No, I won’t. I won’t give you anything,” I snap back. He tightens his grip on my neck.

His smile widens, and he nods with the same surety. “Oh, you will. You know why?”

I’m curious. “Why?”

“Because you already want to. Fear and arousal. I can smell it, even now. I smelled it before I made you come. You wanted me at hello.” He lets me go. I sink into the wall, my lips parted. “It’s okay. I wanted you too.”

He winks at me before he turns and walks away. I watch him as he leaves and the door clicks shut. A second later, a key rattles inside the keyhole. I’m locked in.

It takes a moment before I realize I’m not breathing, and the smoke clears from my mind.

This is crazy. I don’t want him. I can’t. He’s the enemy. My enemy. I can’t allow myself to be used this way.

There’s only one thing I can do.
