ook at the first page and my heart stops when I read over the first few lines. Pieces of the fucking puzzle are coming together. Now I know exactly why fucking Vlad thought I stole something from him. Enraged I look back to Dominic.

“Where did you get this?” I rasp.

“Massimo, you know me,” he answers. “That’s just one more piece of the puzzle falling into place. I guess we know now all that Riccardo was up to and how he enticed Vlad to help him. The man has an affinity for young women with brown hair and brown eyes. Riccardo had plans for Emelia too. Big plans.”

My mouth goes dry. “Fuck,” I hiss and move past him.

It’s time to see Emelia and show her exactly the kind of devil her father is.

Chapter Thirty-Five


I’ve been waiting for Massimo. It’s been hours. The doctor left a while ago, so I expected him to come and dole out his punishment.

My mind told he me would, but then I remember him saving me.

He called me back from the dead. I heard him.

I remember the man who cried as he held me. His heart beating so close to my ear speaking of love.

Then we got back here, and it was like I entered the Twilight Zone. Everything felt abstract and surreal. Things have been happening around me, and yet I don’t quite know what.

What I’m certain of is that Massimo is furious. I just don’t know what he’s done with that fury. He would have known that either Candace or Priscilla told me about the boat, and since I’ve seen Priscilla twice in the last few hours but no sign of Candace, I’m inclined to believe he knows it was her. I just pray he didn’t do anything to her.

I’ve been in here going crazy with worry, my mind all over the place. I haven’t even thought of the fact that I’m alive. I’m alive, yet the plan went to hell. Dad sent those men to get me. They were shooting at Massimo and his brothers. People died. I never expected that to happen. I’m sure Dad must know by now that we failed.

I recognized one guy. His name was Vlad. I met him at the charity ball. Dad introduced him as an investor.

The door smashes open, and I jump with fright, leaping off the bed.

Massimo stands before me like a raving lunatic, eyes red and face blotchy. Rage and fear are all over his face.

I’ve never seen him look afraid until today as he held me. This is worse.

“Tell me what happened. Tell me everything. And don’t you dare lie to me.” He raises his right hand and balls it into a tight fist. In his left is an envelope. “Skip the parts about Candace. I know that part. She’s already filled me in.”

I start to shake.

“Talk, Emelia, tell me what happened!” he demands. “Things were good between us, then you suddenly decided to do this today?”

“I saw you with Gabriella. She was sitting on your lap in the sitting room. Naked.”

“I didn’t do anything with her.”

“You didn’t push her away either. And what about last night? Where were you? I saw the message she sent you telling you to go to her, and you went.”

“I didn’t. Fuck, Emelia, fucking hell. I think I’ve proven to you more than once that I will only tell you the truth. I didn’t see her until today. I would never cheat on you.” His gaze clings to mine and he grits his teeth. “I threw her out and made sure she knew to never try anything like that with me again.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know what to think…” I manage, but rage still fills his stare.

“Tell me what your father had to do with this. You called him.”

“At the fundraiser, he said he was trying to get me back and that I shouldn’t trust you. He said you would never love me. Then I saw you today with Gabriella. I thought he was right.”

He runs his hand through his hair and shakes it. “Well, Emelia, it’s time I give you got a rude awakening on who your father truly is. I will tell you exactly who that man you’re calling father is.”

I tense right up, my body so rigid I can’t breathe.