“We, not just you. Now that it’s done, I can’t feel the redemption I sought.” I shake my head at him.

“I know. Don’t let it get to you. Go home to your wife and cool off. You’ve been back and forth for hours.”

I sigh. I’m fucking exhausted, but I don’t think I can rest until I have some plan in motion. I saw Emelia earlier. She could tell something was up with me. I hate being around her when I feel like this.

“Pa, I’m sick of this shit with Riccardo. I don’t know how he got a man like Alexei in on this.”

“Eventually, all things will reveal themselves.” He dips his head. “Keep your ears to the ground, Massimo.”

“I will.”

One last look at me, and he head to his car.

I jump on my motorcycle and ride home, wanting to see my girl. All I want to do for the rest of the day is spend time with her. Then I’ll get back on track tomorrow. Maybe Dominic will have found something. Thank God, I have Andreas holding the fort at the company. I can’t do business when I’m like this.

I get home. I’m about to make my way upstairs when the sound of ice clinking against crystal has my head turning.

Gabriella stands in the doorway of the sitting room. The broad smile on her face suggests she’s here to cause trouble. What she’s wearing does too—a little kimono—and I’m pretty sure she’s naked under it.

“Hello, lover,” she says with a smile.

Chapter Thirty-Two


I’ve been on edge since last night. And… conflicted.

I’m a mess. Massimo came home in the early hours of the morning. I had to put on that stupid act, like everything was okay, when all I wanted to ask him was where he’d been all night.

We had breakfast together, then he left for work with the promise to be in and out of the house today.

Needing to be alone, I stayed in the room to gather my thoughts. I’ve been thinking of how I’m going to talk to him about Gabriella. I can’t think of anything that won’t cause a really bad argument.

And realistically, what am I arguing for?

I shouldn’t have to stay with a man who leaves my bed in the middle of the night to go to another woman’s.

I sit in the room for hours, contemplating what to do, trying to calm my anger. Deciding to head down for lunch, I make my way downstairs. When I walk past the sitting room, I hear raised voices. It sounds like Massimo, and… a woman?

I wouldn’t normally stop, but the door is ajar, and hearing a woman talking has my nerves spiked and my curiosity piqued.

Who is he talking to?

I divert my path and walk closer to the door so I can peek in.

My damn heart squeezes when I see her. Gabriella.

It’s her, with her luscious blond waves, wearing what looks like a kimono.

“I don’t have time for this shit, Gabriella,” Massimo says to her. He takes a seat. In his hands is a large manila envelope.

“You used to make time for me.” Her voice sounds exactly how I thought it would sound. Sugary and slick. Seductive. “You used to always make time for me, Massimo D’Agostino. I’m just reminding you that all work and no play is never a good thing. We used to play a lot. Remember the hours of fucking in the hot tub in Switzerland?”

I bite down so hard on my lip I swear I’ve pierced the skin. My back teeth press down so tight I think they might break.

“Gabriella, like I said, I don’t have time.”

That’s all he’s saying. Any man who was truly mine would send her packing. They’d throw her out. Fuck. They would even say something as simple as I’m a married man. Not him though. Not him. Because he’s not mine. He never was.